Hi and welcome to this forum. First, you should know that you are not alone, and this issue is very common. I realize you are seeing yourself as being in a corner, and I wish there were adequate words to make things better for you. Unfortunately, acceptance of this problem, as temporary as it may be, is sometimes a slow process. Some things you should know- if you use protective absorbant products, that will make your life immediately easier, and the problem more tolerable. You mentioned only bedwetting- (lucky you) but I'll mention this next thing anyway: just about everyone who has to deal with this problem during their waking hours worries about people being able to tell that you are wearing extra padding, but that is generally never the case. As many here will tell you, no one really cares what kind of underwear you have on. The reason I mentioned that is because I think the fear comes out of childhood memories when teasing for that kind of thing took place in grades 5, 6, 7 and maybe 8. However, people are growing up during these years- apparently at about the age of 13, most kids have started to develop compassion for others. All of this to say, 'Yes, you can go to college.' If you are having difficulties coming to terms with this problem and wish to wait a year before going off to school, that may be something to consider, but don't rule out post-secondary schooling. If you decide to delay the onset of further education, perhaps working for a year or two will put you in a better position financially to pay for school. I would urge you to seek counselling, and medical attention for this issue.
I wish you well, and I hope you will share your journey with us. Don't despair, and don't give up! Many people do outgrow bedwetting, and you will probably be one of them.