Dear 16 year old Girls, i am so glad you and yours are reaching out for solutions. Its hard enough growing into a woman body at 16, there are many things changing in your body behavior, and in 16 year olds, its shape, its fluids for you and also for your roomates and other girls you know. Just know a great majority of women your age are surprised and confused with these fluid changes in themselves and they dont like what is happening! You must be very intelligent young women to be in college Gollygal and to have a mother Like Jjpeco who is wise and compassionate. With help from the medical professionals you will learn ways to cope to change and overcome this mystery maladie.(I chose this word because honestly, the way for me to gain self acceptance is to think of incontinence like my menstrual period. Part of being a lady.It was not a body change I liked or felt happy to live with but I did come to cope with it).
Please know many women struggle with self image and body function for too long so they may have little patience with your issue because they cant accept their own bodies.
Please come to this site to vent, share and be accepted just as you are. A womans body is continual a world of change, no one tells us that when we are little girls! Always love yourself, just as you are, no matter what.