Bed wetting associated with dreams about going to the bathroom

snow said:
It’s common, but the peeing in reality dictates the peeing in your dream. Ask any brain neurologist.

As an occasional bedwetter since I was in my teens I've had the dreaded pee dream before. Usually it is me trying to find a place to pee before I pee my pants. Its mixed in the results in the dream. Sometimes I make it just in time to a bathroom or pee on a tree or something and other times I don't make it and wet myself in the dream.

Always wondered if the dream cause the bedwetting or by being wet after peeing myself in bed cause the dream. Guess now I know.

DPCARE said:
I do wet the bed well that is my diaper but I don't actually consider myself a bedwetter as I wet 24/7

Huh, You know @DPCARE I never thought about that point of view before. Those who have day and night issues not thinking of themselves as a bedwetter for their night accidents. Something to consider.

Guess since I only have night accidents that I am def a bedwetter. Though I have thought in the past at what point/number or wet nights do you need to be classified as a bedwetter. I bedwet 1-2 times month more or less. So I think if you bedwet wet at least once a month you are considered a bedwetter. But what about someone who wets like only a few times a year, are they classified as a bedwetter too?


True Snow. I guess to be literal, if you wet the bed once you are a bedwetter, least for that one night. 🤣

Had a great day, even if it did started with one of my occasional wet nights. But clean up, move on.

Hope your day was good also.
Hi, I've just signed up on this forum. I too have issues with dreaming about being on the toilet and therefore bedwetting. I have tried keeping a diary re fluid intake and can't spot any pattern at all - it is very random and can happen anywhere from every 3 weeks to as long as 2 to 3 months between occasions. I am at a total loss - have been to GP and they haven't found anything wrong and have offered no support.
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