Here is my thanks

God Bless-I am sure all will go well for you. Keep the faith. Great news on your new digs. Good Luck and don't forget to thank the Lord for all your blessings. As a veteran, you have a made a great sacrifice for our county and way of life. I appreciate very much what you have done and hope all others realize your sacrifice gives us our way of life. Merry Christmas.
start up for utilities will arrive this week
PS this is not the Christmas card, it will come after that.
oh dear, i just remembered i couldn't retrieve your mailing address looked last night. please send it again!!
yes my dear. you all are real people and i really do think of each of you.
But sometimes i look for a thread and stuff seems to have disappeared.
Your post on spinal galant was very helpful Steve and your poem, your funny posts and intelligent interesting sharing of self make this forum real for all.
Thank you. I've tried a few other forums before like the depends one. It was packed full of people who were into other interests. This place, (for the most part) is real. It's funny, my dog is sniffing a mommy deer next to a baby deer. They are sorta friends. Used to have a cat who slept with a deer in my old front yard. Wish I had pics still. Anyway, I love to help people. And love to see others take the time to help others too.
You got to keep your dog from the photo? OMG that makes me so happy!
i do dog rescue in a small homegrown group. its how ive kept my brain from turning into a puddle.
I have no employment. Live on the kindness of family. I have always been vocation rather than career.
My Yoda, God willing, will never leave my side. You can call him my therapy dog but he truly is my best friend. And he really can count to ten. You say a random number and he'll bark the number. Took him about 4 times to get it right about 6 years ago. He went with me to fort Benning and sill.true story, the bottom zipper of my tent has a para cord loop on it. He uses his teeth and opens and closes it to go potty at night. I never have to do it unless it's stuck. I got him an od green tactical vest last Christmas. It's got spare cuffs, cuff keys, knife, two water bottles, flashlight for me and one for him. He also wears a headlight at night. And he loves baby swings and tire swings. He'll swing all day if I let him. He likes going shooting with me. Doesn't react to shots at all. I just wish he could climb trees.
Great story Steve-I had a little bichon-who would look both ways before she crossed the street-she was smart for a little runt. I still miss her to this day.
Barbara I know money is an issue but you can get a nice small dog for free at public shelters in Fl especially in big cities that will have vaccines, heartworm test and spay or nueter. They run free specials often and also at holidays. They often have a brief background of dogs ownership qnd things like housetraining. A huge number of small dogs were the companion of a person older than you who passed on and family dumped the lap dog. If you need help for food costs ask what rescues are in your area. Ask the Humane Society or ASPA. A quality Rescue wont give you a dog if its not able to verify certain things about your ability to care for it but they will help you if you have one. Same goes for Humane society for vetting and euthanasia when the time comes. They will also sell you heartworm prevention one $1.50 pill at a time.
i find it the best way to live with a permanently broken life and heart, to give love and comfort to a dog in need. I was a Florida resident until recently and I know what i say is true.
Best wishes to you Barbara, Give that heart some furry love.
Thank You for the information. I have a couple of things I need to finish this winter and then I will be home most of the time. I have bad feet, I live on pet row in our park. I was thinking in the future of getting a nice rescue dog. I have problems with my back and feet besides the incontinence. I just read an article where the life of a dog is over
$40,000 to care for it. I would be spending more money on my dog than on myself. I am that kind of dog lover. The one thing I did notice big time is my house is not as dirty. I do miss the love that they have and they have so much to give. If I ever get a female roommate-I will definitely gets us a dog to love. I do have a small second bedroom. Thanks for the encouragement. Blessings
I had a raccoon as a young child. He was awesome. In first grade for a poetry contest, I wrote an Ode to poem after he died. It's corny and I didn't quite get that baby raccoons don't crawl. (I was like 6) but won first place. This was it.his name was coon BTW 😊
Ode To Coon
Coon oh coon. You were a good raccoon. You were big, once small.
You could walk, once crawled.
Now your no longer a small little one, but a mighty big Hunter won over all. Now burried in the ground but still loved by all. 😳
Barb, that's cool. Yoda would sit and wait for the green light but wouldn't look both ways. I guess he figured it was my job. Lol.
To write what you wrote as a kid is very impressive indeed. 3rd place is better than nothing. Yea the dogs are smart-I just read that they learn up to 260 words and gestures. The learn our mannerism so well-they know us better than we know ourselves.
Thanks. I was wrong again tho. After talking with my good ol mommy, I had the raccoon when I was 6 in 1st grade. I wrote the poem for the contest in 3rd grade. Doesn't really matter I suppose, but just didn't want to be misleading.
Still pretty good for a 3rd grader. I was thinking your vocabulary at 6 years old was out of sight. I have never been a good word person. Nice going. My Mom and Dad are in heaven with my brother. I still have two sisters in IL., etc. I miss my Mom-she was called home by the Lord on Christmas Day. Is always a little sad because of that.
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