Artificial Urinary Sphincter (AUS) and Male Sling (two different items)


Staff member
I am creating a topic / thread for people to place comments about the Artificial Urinary Sphincter and Male Sling. If you have had either, please let us know which, why, and how you are doing.

Thank you,

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We can not search the forum for AUS because it is only 3 characters - searches require 4 characters

NOTE - Artificial Urinary Sphincter (AUS) is considered by some to be the "Gold Standard" or best fix for male urinary incontinence

Previous discussions

Good idea Terry.
This research will give us a better understanding of long term options..... if necessary.
Especially for those who feel like incontinence has to be a life long challenge.
Emsella chair. I have made my first apointment at the Stay Dry Center in Boca at the end of the month. Its a 3 week long therapy twice a week. The provide financing as insurance does not cover it. It's $200 a session. They came 95% success rate.i go through 2 to 3 Depend. Pull ups a day, and don't leak at night, although I get up 4 to 5 times a night to pee. Sometimes I go 3 hours before needing to get up to pee. I'll report on my results using the Emsella chair. It gives 1200 keigls in 28 min. It uses strong magnetic pulses.
Need a reminder. Where is the info on who is eligible for an AUS,
under what conditions. What are the risk factors. The Docs who did the study on me didn't tell me which, if any, condition they decided on. I mean, it was nice to learn there was no cancer or other super-worries, but I hadn't discovered the NAFC and this forum yet. Hadn't discovered the alphabet soup of types and causes - and the lack of knowledge by the medical profession - or I would have asked. Now I realize I would have probably gotten some version of "we don't know". Maybe not "It's all in your head".
Thanks in advance.
Hi Guys
I had my prostate surgery Dec of 19 I was 78. I figured after a short recovery Id be fine.
I bought my season ski pass . My age was offset by my otherwise good condition so recover would "normal" I had one of the best robotic docs in NYC so things should go well. The cancer turned out to be closer to the urethra, not good! Weeks after the surgery the was no progress with my leakage. Thousands of kegals and still nothing. Shortly after I got up from laying down or sitting my bladder would be empty. It went out to get the paper with damp pad on a cold day in Jan and immediately knew no skiing this year.
The dr said they have options if I didnt improve but they usually wait a year or so to be sure. Tried PT with no success. Asked the dr the what the chances for improvement were
Honestly "not good". I said I'm almost 80 and dont want to spend my remaining good years with pads,clamps, condoms etc while "waiting for Godot". He understood. He put me in touch with Dr Sandhu at Memorial Sloan Kettering. He's got a great video on male
incontinence ( see link). Please watch it . I scheduled AUS surgery in late June , by mid-July he activated it. Now I leak a few drops a day, coughing lifting etc and use half of a woman's extra light pad. I pee more often, 2-3 hrs and have to drop trou to pee because of the pad. The operation itself was no big deal, overnight stay, a little soreness for a few days. Dr Sandhu says its pretty simple surgery.
The AUS device lasts about 10 years and has a 90% + satisfaction rate. If anyone has questions please ask. I'd been meaning to start a topic on AUS. I' ve been struck by the lack of discussion on the subject, especially by the member's urologists. There is a "solution" to long term incontinence from prostate surgery

Hi, larryw61: a strong Thank You and Kudos. It's very reliable sources.

This video should be seen by all men and women with incontinence.

Most/all men should see the two additional videos on that page: Side Effects of Prostate Cancer Treatment, and Sexual Health Problems In Men with Cancer.
Are all 3 of those videos eye-openers and informative. The whys and hows of incontinence are listed, and it includes women. Many of the complaints here are answered. That there isn't enough studies is admitted. The choices are detailed, the advantages and disadvantages listed clearly. I could go on
I'll bet most of us never got this kind of briefing - and the doctor/facility could just make these available in a separate room, or send you the bookmarks in an email.
@PoppyKeith you might want to read and follow this thread. To the right of the thread title, there are two check boxes - email and YT (Make it part of your threads). If you post in a thread, it will check your threads and appear in the bottom of your profile.
Hi, I'm new here and posted another thread related to this topic before I found this one. I'll leave it there since someone has already replied, but you can see it here:

The short version is that I've been on the wrong side of the statistics most of the time since my PSA first went up in 2017. I got a robotic prostatectomy in Aug. 2019, radiation in March & April 2020, and I haven't had a dry day since before surgery.

My new urologist did urodynamic testing, CT scan, and cystoscopy. He said I'm NOT a good candidate for medication and that an artificial sphincter would be my best bet, with a sling a good second choice with a lower potential for success.

I go through about 3 moderate pads per day. I'm afraid of another surgery but don't want to spend the rest of my limited by leakage. I'll watch the video posted by @larryw61 and happily take advice and read any reports of good or bad experiences here.
Maxwell. The wrong side of the statistics, indeed, but:
You didn't say, but it sounds like it is relatively small - not full-out-needing-diapers-24 hours-a-day. Was the diaper thing ever part of your stats? I ask because I've been at the diaper stage twice in about 18 years, but mostly in the medium to light pads the rest of the time. I don't like it, but what can I say? Old age is not all it is cracked up to be, but the cancer is cured, at least.
There has to be some research on the results - good and bad - of the artificial sphincter. This forum will hopefully give you some data, maybe some references for literature, but try Google Scholar, too, to find the scientific studies. Let's see you on the right side of the stats. Keep us informed, if you can, please, both for you and for anyone else needing the research and reassurance.
My cancer nurses and doctors were the best team I've ever had, bar none. Ask question (like: what are the statistics, both for success and for future problems & need for "protection, infection, etc). Ask for reading material beyond the tourist brochures. Hopefully, you've done that, but keep asking
God Bless.
I am new to this forum and have questions about the AUS. My history is: Prostatectomy in 2008 with mild incontinence. Bladder suspension (sling) surgery in 2014, still not 100% dry but able to use only lite pad. PSA became elevated again and had radiation in 2019. Now I am up to 2-3 moderate pads a day depending on my activity level. 69 years old and now making many decisions based on my incontinence. I am worried about the mechanical device and if I will have urge incontinence. If anyone can share, what is the frequency for voiding? Do you still avoid caffeine and alcohol? Do you feel normal again? I just don't want to trade one problem for another. Thanks for any advice.
As far as I can tell I'm the only one on the forum that has an AUS.
I described it in a post above . I suggest you view the video on the link on that post.
In summary, you're completely normal with an AUS except for a few drips a day. Since I use half a woman's ultra-thin pad I need to drop trou and push the button to pee . No significant change in frequency or urge that you didn't have before.
No dietary restrictions
my husband had it the surgery <AUS< a few months ago. He was misrable with pads etc being wet all the time. It had gotten worst near the time of the surgery. He never really had mild incontinence.
He was very nervous getting the procedure but everything we read and his doctor, who use to do it, said he will be very happy.
Yes he is! still nervous he might push the wrong button..but he wont. results the same as larryw61. Do IT

make sure you use a dr who does many of these..
Hi. If you happen to be in Florida, can you tell who the Doctor is? I haven't had a good experience with urologists here in Florida and I want to speak to someone about AUS. Or if anyone else is in Florida and has an exceptional urologist, please let me know.
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