Anyone 3 years in from prostatectomy


Staff member
Has anyone got to the 3 year stage and then improved any further. I leak only a small ammount but have been lazy with esxercises iver that last year. Is it worth the effort or have I got what I’ve got
I am more than three years in. My PT was messed up. When I finally got really good PT, I don't know that it did me a lot of good — but it was a fair bit after surgery, and there was a complication that may have had an impact on results.

Regardless, I wear Depends day and night, and I'd say probably >95% of my urine goes into the toilet. But the Depends are still necessary.
I’m 4.5 years out with psa holding at 0.006. I walk a lot and found that better for me than keegals.
I am almost 3 yrs and 70 yrs old still work and very active wear a light Tena pad every day keegals really never did much for me have my next check up in September
PsA holding at .06 hoping for a good check up
Steveg, lots of guys here more typical than me. I’m 6.6 years out at 76 and holding at <o.01, the important thing. You didn’t say what yours was. I stopped kegels after 3 years in favor of more intense pelvic floor exercises, i.e., distance walking, power yoga, and leg&hip weight machines. 6-8hrs/3X/wk exercise. On off days xeriscaping except in our torrid SW summer. If I’m actually sedentary, I need 1 pad/day. So stress incontinence-little in sleep. Given my pace 2-3/day is usual.

I’ve delayed AUS, as it can have adverse effects, like need for removal/adjustment, infections, etc. But lots of guys here swear by it afterwards. I’m actually considerings a new procedure PROACT, that’s less invasive, in-office, minimal downtime, cheaper and Medicare approved. It’s only been around about 3 years, while AUS has long track record. Best, Look to this blog!
3 years + 4 months post surgery. I leak a little only in the evenings and never overnight (possibly because I sleep on my back). I use one Depends Light pad per day and 99% of the time that's enough protection. I'm fairly active (more than most men at age 74, I think)with lots of fast walking and some running when I show dogs. Haven't seen much change in the past year but I can live with this though it's less than ideal. My doctor and research say that 1 pad/day is considered "socially continent." Good luck!
Hi - I’m 68. After my RP I was dry at night very quickly, lots of daily heavy duty pads for the first month and then decreasing, very gradually, to where I am now. I wear a lightweight pad because I sometimes have a small leak if I cough or sneeze, but not all the time. Kegels/pelvic floor exercises were an essential part of my recovery. Initially I was doing 3 sessions a day, but now I only do them 2 or 3 times a week. I keep doing them because I notice leakage problems will get worse without them.
I'm three years out almost to the day. Since RP, I had ADT and radiation therapy due to cancer reoccurrence. I wear Depends every day because of moderate leakage. Although I'm very active physically, I no longer do kegels after PT several months ago simply because I did not see any real improvement. I have a couple of urology appointments coming up in the next couple of months, and I plan to talk to them about options, such as AUS and PROACT. If I decide to move forward with treatment, there will be the question of whether my health insurance - which is awful - will even pay for any of it. During the day, my leakage is manageable with Depends. It's the leakage at night while asleep that can sometimes be uncomfortable. I never know when it's going to be a bad night because the leakage doesn't always happen. About two mornings a week, I wake up completely dry; another three mornings I wake up lightly moist; then another two mornings I am awakened in the middle of the night because I'm drenched. It is my new normal.
So many different recovery experiences.
I'm approaching 2 years past R.P., I know the question was 3 years and tried to delete but cant seem to do that..
I'm using 1 light pad a day if I leave the house, At home I don't depend on a pad ill change my underwear and I don't like that but it forces me to stay mentally alert and focused to hold a keegle so I don't leak. I'm changing about 2 X daily each change is just a few dribbles, most of that comes from forgetting or relaxing the keegle. My keegle squeeze that seems to work is 3 out of 10 being a hard squeeze, I don't leak at night.
I do have climaturia that is getting better. One or 2 nights a week I may leak more as my squeeze gets tired, Erections for me are the worst side effect as im not back to where I was and pills don't help, shots work but I don't like the inflated feeling they provide.
I am currently undetectable.
There is a lot to unpack on this topic and we are not the same but this site helps and makes us realize we are not alone.
The one topic that is not often talked about is Climaturia I did a lot of research prior to my RP and had many conversations with my Dr. Nowhere did I read or hear about this possible side effect im assuming its rare because I've posted 2x here and there was little responce.
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