Still frustrated


Staff member
Hi all, I am now 7 months post operation and for 3 months have only needed 1 pad per day. The frustrating thing despite daily kegal exercises I don’t seem to be improving any further. I have read that once you get to 12 months then you have what you have. Has anyone been in my position at 7 months and improved to be dry or do I need to accept what I have? I am 61 years old and very physically active. Thank you
@Steveg I am nine months post-surgery and experiencing the same thing. I'm starting to resign myself to this is what the rest of my life will be like. If it gets better, it'll be gravy.
Same for me. Was 6 months out and got a little overzealous. Went backwards several weeks but came back and continued to improve. Now almost 2 yrs out and pretty much no pad. Was able to complete Ironman in Sept wo issue so active level gets better with time too. Stress is my indicator and nemesis. End of school year and getting leaky as deal with all of it. When that is over should improve again. You got this steady and relentless
I saw slow steady improvement going past the one year mark. I understand the frustration, but do your best to be patient, and remember that those rules about how long recovery takes were not handed down on a mountain top.
It's not really an either-or. You may get better, you may not. It largely depends on where you body was pre-surgery how well you will recover post-. If there's one thing I have learned from this forum, it's that everyone's situation is unique. As you continue to recover physically, keep track of where you are mentally and emotionally as well. The key is not focusing on any one aspect of your recovery at the expense of the other two.
I’m in the same boat. Oct 6 was my surgery I’ve been on 1 light pad for 2 months but can not get dry during the day. Doc sent me to a PT a month ago but no magic bullet there either. As an added bonus, the ED sucks too. I’m 55 and active, my wife is very patient thankfully. Hope my doc is right and this issue will straighten itself out, so to speak…
Some men have found taking a one or two week break from kegels, then restart doing kegels has helped.

I hope you get dry. There are options such as the male urethral sling surgery and the AUS (Artificial Urinary Sphincter). Ask your surgeon / urologist about having a uro-dynamics test and cystoscopy around 10 - 12 months.

Please let your surgeon know how incontinence is affecting you physically and mentally. The surgeon needs the information on record so they can push insurance companies to pay for the procedure - if that is the way you want to go.
Hi @steveg;

It's good to hear from you man. I'm sorry you are still experiencing troubles with leakage. But I suppose some reassuring news - is that from what I've read and seen - the surgeries eventually will give you most if not all of your control back. We have a lot of mature men on here that come in here and frequent the boards for a little bit and then hop out when they've recovered.

If your still experiencing issues regardless - that's OK. Nothing to beat yourself up about I suppose. Sometimes we are our own worst critic - and I definetly am not the person to take my own advice when it comes to these things. But the good news is, is that you are not alone. Bladder problems in adulthood can range from anyone like myself at 28 to 105! Bladder problems do not discriminate.

If you need any more guidance or someone to talk to, were here.

Blessings In Christ,
Can relate to all your posts. I'm 16 mo post RP & still with leakage for typically 1 light pad/day. 1st 6-7 mo were tough then got to 1 light pad around 9-10 mo and have stayed there. The frustrating part is when I chose to have a couple cocktails, my senses dull and leakage increases that has caused embarrassment. Went back to PT to review kegel exercises with limited improved results. Urologist is now recommending sling surgery. Good news is I'm still cancer free so thank God for that.
I'd be interested to hear what results anyone had if they stopped doing kegel exercises for a while then restarting as thudson1965 stated in his post. I'm doing both 10/10 and 2/2 twice a day. In another post on this website, someone posted using "soft silicone external aid that compresses the urethra impeding leakage". Be interested to hear if anyone has tried this.
Happy New Year!
I am still recovering from sling surgery 16 days ago. After surgery, my surgen told me he could not position the sling high enough. As a result I guess, I still will leak with a heavy several sneezes of hard caught. Not as bad as before surgery, but not happy with my results. If the sling worked as it should, you should not leak at all after surgery.
As a side note, the surgery area stays raw feeling, and the scrotum stays very tender to the touch. Not sure what method is used to shave the area, but it leaves the area tender and as the hair starts to grow back, you have razor stubble which is also irritating. My leg pain from the position they stretch your legs apart heart for 3 to days and now just if you press on them. I get cramps easy in my upper legs as well now during the healing. I would question your doctor regarding positioning of the sling, any exercise or leg stretching you can do preparing for surgey.
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