Any young people 18-25 have this?

I plan way ahead of time if I'm drinking. I get some thick, long pads and designate a DD/keep money for an Uber or Taxi so I don't have to worry about sleeping over at a friends. I also assess the bathroom situation before I even start drinking: where's it at? How many toilets? What are at least two easy paths to get there? Etc.
Also keep a diaper and a plastic bag/wet bag in your bag. That way if you do find yourself spending the night at a friend's house you can throw it on and have a good way to sneak it out in the morning. Just throw a nightgown, toothbrush and some other knick-knacks in there too so it just looks like you're the over-prepared friend. Better safe than sorry!
TBH, once I hit around 22 I found going out to be too cumbersome. My friends and I just stay in and drink so that there's a close, comfortable bathroom and I can really enjoy drinking without the stress.
Hopefully some of these tips work though. Good luck! :)
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