Any young people 18-25 have this?


Staff member
Like when you stay at your friends or go clubbing or whatever how do you manage to cover it up without them knowing??
Like I have to go out of town with my boss next week for three days.Stayimg in a motel room. I'm sweating bullets. No way he won't see everything.
Just wear underwear over it, you can wear a long shirt, a dress. Or you can wear pads. Abena makes a pad called the abri-San that is as good as a diaper it doesn't have the tabs so you wear it in underwear.
Yes. Here is what works for me..I would hydrate myself throughout the day and drink during the 3 meals for the day and stop drink fluids after my last meal, which is usually 630 a couple mins before. Depends on what time you go to bed which is around 1130pm for me. I wake up dry. Make sure you go before bed too. Try that!?
The only thing is we like to go clubbing etc so I don't want to feel I can't drink alcohol like I don't want it to restrict me😔
Has it restricted you in the past or are you saying these are all brand new symptoms? Depending ding on how much you leak I'd say your choices are wear pull-ups and limit booze or wear heavier diapers. Unfortunately incontinence is an inconvenience and can limit us sometimes but it's quite manageable with good products and planning.
I had this exact same problem when I went to stay with friends for a week leading up to a wedding a couple years ago. I was new to incontinence and was constantly worried about it.
At first i didn't know what I was going to do, but after encouragement from family, I told the very good friend who was getting married about the issue. He switched rooms to share with me. He was really cool about it and wasn't weird at all.
I had told him i was really worried about the other guys finding out. He simply said "It's a disability. We all have issues, yours is just more noticeable than others....These guys will get it."

He assisted me in telling them so that no one would freak out after we had done some drinking.

Point is, it may be worth telling those you will be staying with about the issue. 99% of people understand immediately.
I really want to mention something to my friends but I know most of them might say something to their boyfriend and I'd just get really paranoid but I might consider telling some of the closer ones thank you!!!!
What it really comes down to is you own comfort. I am not a person to tell you to "man up" or "who cares". I know you care and this can be stressful and scary.
I will tell you from my experience telling those close to me helped with their understanding and to ease my mind. I didn't feel like I was constantly hiding something from my friends.
In reality, your friends should be supportive and if they aren't may a new evaluation of friendship would be needed.
If you can't trust your friends to keep a secret, you need new friends.

Personally I don't tell anyone. I have a number of friends I could tell and trust them, but I don't see any reason to share it. Only my wife and doctor know. I prefer to keep it that way. I've had no problem sleeping at friends houses in diapers without them knowing.

Sometimes having a confidante can be helpful so maybe if I wasn't married I'd tell my best friend or something but I don't know.

I think we make a bigger deal of these things in our head than they really are. I mean, if your best friend came to you and told you they needed diapers, how would you react? Would you blab about it to everyone or be supportive and keep their confidence? Chances are your friends would treat you the same way you'd treat them.
archerstaley said:
I had this exact same problem when I went to stay with friends for a week leading up to a wedding a couple years ago. I was new to incontinence and was constantly worried about it.
At first i didn't know what I was going to do, but after encouragement from family, I told the very good friend who was getting married about the issue. He switched rooms to share with me. He was really cool about it and wasn't weird at all.
I had told him i was really worried about the other guys finding out. He simply said "It's a disability. We all have issues, yours is just more noticeable than others....These guys will get it."

He assisted me in telling them so that no one would freak out after we had done some drinking.

Point is, it may be worth telling those you will be staying with about the issue. 99% of people understand immediately.
What a really really cool friend you have. I wish to god I had one like that. Even a Husband would be nice, if I could find one like that. I have not met that many Men too sympathetic in this area, let alone one that would put up with the problems that NF1 brings let alone wet beds.
Does 26 count? Well 27 next month.... Not a nightly wetter, but I manage with "practical means" every night so I don't have to deal with wet mornings. So far my sharing experience has been limited to online. Unfortunately I've never been intimate enough with a woman to need to share, and I don't see a reason to tell friends. This doesn't affect my confidence in life or self worth. I'm an airline pilot now and my biggest concern is airport security and hotels. Security has yet to say anything though. I'm sure they can see what's in my bag, but generally being a crew member they don't stop us much. As far as hotels go, I've never received a call from anyone about what I left in the garbage bin, though I'll usually wrap them in the ice bag.
My friends that do know about it are pretty cool. They'll ask questions every now and then just to try and understand what it's like a little better but mostly they just make sure I've taken my medicine before bed and they help plan in more frequent bathroom stops on our nights out. It's much easier to have a good time when you aren't super stressed about it the whole night. If you have a close friend I would definitely mention it because usually they can pick up when you're hiding something or you have something bothering you. And I promise that most friends would much rather you be comfortable wearing protection and taking the precautions you need than waking up in a wet bed. Been there, done that and it's awkward and mortifying, especially when you haven't talked about it before. Just been honest with them and explain that it's not something that you can help.
My parents, brother and boyfriend are the only ones who know. I figure if I went through 5 years of university living without telling anyone, I can last my life.

I have much experience in sleep overs and clubbing. When I was on medication for bedwetting it was less frequent, probably about 1 every week, give or take. If I was ever sleeping somewhere other than my own bed I would make sure to urinate several times before bed, sometimes setting an alarm in the middle of the night to do so again.

Now that I am not on medication I wear diapers whenever I go over to someone else's house. I always bring a plastic bag to dispose of the dirty diaper discretely. My only worries is when a diaper leaks... when I go, I go a ton, so have yet to find a 100% reliable diaper. Sometimes I bring an extra towel or blanket or even a plastic bag (in desperate times) and put it under my bum while I sleep.

However, I have shared beds with friends, gone on vacations with friends, slept at their houses and have so far never had someone find out.
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