Several people who used to be active on the forum were indeed asked to fully strip, bend over and cough type stuff. Search for “TSA” and for the maximum duration of “all” to see all previous entries. It’s up to each individual guard. Basically, they assume you’re wearing a wet diaper carrying gasoline in it to blow up a plane. So that’s why they’re such a**holes about their searches. If you argue with and tell them what the official policy is, they’ll just escort you out or worse, arrest you. So plan plenty of time ahead of your flight for all of that. TSA guards are not people to mess with. They’re in that job to get to harass people.
Also, if you’re carrying diapers on the airplane, I’ve heard you’ll get through TSA faster if you have an entire new pack with you rather than just a few individual diapers.
I’d just take a pair of really cheap pants from Walmart that you can pee in, in line, then carry a pair to change in once you get past TSA. Throw away the cheap soiled pants once you’re past TSA. I will never wear a diaper through TSA.