Pandemic Medical service and travel


Staff member
Several issues.
Some doctors/med facilities are open, or only for whatever they consider emergencies. You may have to travel for a doctor or facility that's open and accepting you for your needs. Maybe even overnight, somewhere, and the staying-with-family-or-friends option is maybe out.
Some now require a negative test - or at least a test, either prior to or at the time of "service". Sometimes they want a particular type of test. My state requires a no-more-than-72-hour-before-return negative before you can come back. Is that test free? Who pays? You don't leave Seattle to come back flying without a 72-hour-negative test. In some places, they aren't getting test results back that fast. It varies.
You may have to travel, some kinds of which is at more risk than others. Travel isn't as safe as staying home.
You might get the "2-week-quarantine" thing. If you aren't at home, or can't get there in the "approved" fashion, it can be expensive to stay in an "approved" fashion, away from home. A couple of friends got caught by that rule.
My insurance, for one, has an "in-network" medivac. Or you get "balance billing", and medivac is insanely expensive. ($19,000 from Alaska to Seattle on a jet, $20,000 for the half-an-hour flight on the helo from my town to Anchorage). How much is "balance billing?" Yeah, I said insane.)

What will Medicare and Insurance pay for? Boy, getting answers to that can be hard or lengthy.
When this pandemic "ends", I expect there to be long lines for "non-essential" medical services. Some of our doctors and nurses are incapacitated or even dead. Some are going to need recovery time off.
I and others in my group (thousands) just ran into this, headlong.

As if we needed more problems. Please. I'm not saying you will run into these, but think about it and check.

Stay safe and God Bless.
I can't blame the doctors and staff. They want to stay safe too. Insurance companies are very difficult to work with. They will pay thousands for a surgical procedure, but won't pay 70.00 for a medical device that would save them from paying for this surgery.
Maymay, as an ol' Navy guy I know exactly what you mean!:D And yes, the whole pandemic situation is that word and it's been that from the get-go. There is absolutely no excuse for the "leadership" shown during this whole fiasco. But this isn't a political forum so I won't even get started on that! Thanks for such an accurate and fitting description!;)
Artiejr: it gets me too. They won't pay for the pneumonia shots, but they will pay when you end up in the hospital with pneumonia. You can't get the vaccination paid for if you get it in the doctor's office, but you can if you get it at the pharmacy. Obviously, there is a profit to be made in both those situations, so the heck with the patient. It isn't the patient making that profit; it's the patient paying the outrageous premiums or not being covered at all.
People look at the cost on the ICU for that patient and say, "Think how many shots they could give for that money and not incurr the ICU costs" - without realizing that then the Insurance Company CEO might not make his $320 million annual salary (before benefits, stock options, etc).
Rant #231.
Insurance companies have contracts with drugmakers which get deep discounts for prescribing a particular drug. Some doctors also share in this. If a particular drug is not on the insurance companies "preferred" list, you wind up paying a much higher price, even generics, which could cost more than name brands.
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