Air travel


Staff member
Hey everyone I'll be flying for the first time since I started having my incontinence issues. I mainly avoided flying due to the extra baggage my supplies created. However, after talking to a representative, I believe that incontinence supplies will be covered as a medical equipment bag. My question here is this though, what kind of bag does everyone use for carry on to be able to hold whatever personal items you want plus at least 1 change.
I find if I travel more than a few days, sending a package to the hotel ahead of time to be helpful. Costs a little more but much easier to travel that way. I just call the hotel and tell them to expect and hold it for me.
Take enough diapers in your carry-on to allow for flight delays and delays in getting your luggage.

A flight I took a few years ago - it was supposed to be a 90 minute flight, turned into a 9 HOUR fiasco. And I only had 1 extra diaper in my carry-on bag!! Not a good day.
As carryon, I use a small carry bag or my backpack.
I put a pull-up, a tabbed diaper and a clean pair of underwear along with package of wipes in a ziplock bag.
I have a soft sided nylon carry on bag that I put all my diapers needed for my trip. Sometimes I’m gone more than 7 days or so I will plan on a delivery coming to a hotel I’m going to be based at. That has been the easiest way. I’ve gone as long as 10 days and that’s a lot of diapers to carry but I’ve managed.
Not convenient but if you can get by with 3 diapers every 24 hours, it works. I use a booster and quality diapers to handle 24/7 use.
MikeZZ I had a similar flight. I checked the store in the airport and all they had were baby diapers. I bought some and used then inside of my setup and could swap them out as needed to help stretch things.i now carry at least 2 full rigs in my backpack!
My plan is using an external catheter . Flight with no layover so I can pack my extras in my carry on . Assuming I will have no security issues ? Should i let security know prior to going through security
@Brandnewdude from what I have read online you may want to get a TSA disability card (can get a pdf from their site and print it off). You can write on there what medical issue you have or medical device you're using and show it to the TSA officer when going through security. This can help due to the fact that the cath bag or even diapers can show up as an alert on some of the scanners. With this card you can let them know what you have going on. They will sometimes need to do extra screening in private. Here they have you, the individual, handle the leg bag or diaper. After a few moments of this they test your hands for specific types of residue.

This is what I was told when I talked to the TSA help agent online. Often though it's a non issue and nothing is needed other than the sensor machines.
All these bag choices are fine but passing thru TSA isn't necessarily a breeze. I am fairly continent now, but still wear either a pad in my underwear or padded underwear in case of drips and dribbles. I am constantly setting off the whole-body scanner, and then needing a whole-body pat down. The agent shows me a cartoon layout on the monitor with my groin area highlighted in red. I can see in the agent's eyes he knows what I am wearing but duty calls and he describes what must happen. To save time, I have never asked to go to a private room. I have learned to live with the intimate pat down, but I am sure many here don't want to be singled out
I tried to discreetly tell them once and I think it resulted in more scrutiny during a private screening. I had to show the agents part of the diaper, and they swabbed it for a residue test. Was able to pass through afterwards. I swear, next time, I'll just say "I'm wearing a diaper" out loud and I bet they'll just let me go.
Plan extra time for TSA to strip search you if you’re wearing a diaper. If you can without when you go without wearing a diaper through security, you’ll have a much easier time.
Wow. So when I contacted the TSA customer service to get a idea of what going through everything would look like, one of the things they specifically stated was that "you should not be asked to remove or lift any article of clothing to reveal a sensitive body area." They said that it would likely set off sensors and require an extra patdown which i am fine with, but no way am I revealing any part of my groin or what I'm wearing.
The exact portion of the email pertaining to this. Personal Hygiene Products - AIT Alarms
The Advanced Imaging Technology (AIT) machine, also known as the body scanner, may identify sanitary napkins, panty liners, and adult diapers as potential threat items. The machine will indicate the location of a potential threat item on a generic, computer-generated outline of a person that appears on a monitor outside the machine. You will see the monitor when you exit and it is the same monitor the TSA Officer views. If an item causes an alarm, you will undergo additional screening, which includes a patdown.

If you are required to undergo a patdown, it is important to know the following:
An officer of the same gender will conduct your patdown.
The officer will offer a private screening or you may request one at any time
You may have a companion with you during the private screening, but they will be rescreened once your patdown is complete
You should not be asked or required to remove or lift any article of clothing to reveal a sensitive body area
Several people who used to be active on the forum were indeed asked to fully strip, bend over and cough type stuff. Search for “TSA” and for the maximum duration of “all” to see all previous entries. It’s up to each individual guard. Basically, they assume you’re wearing a wet diaper carrying gasoline in it to blow up a plane. So that’s why they’re such a**holes about their searches. If you argue with and tell them what the official policy is, they’ll just escort you out or worse, arrest you. So plan plenty of time ahead of your flight for all of that. TSA guards are not people to mess with. They’re in that job to get to harass people.

Also, if you’re carrying diapers on the airplane, I’ve heard you’ll get through TSA faster if you have an entire new pack with you rather than just a few individual diapers.

I’d just take a pair of really cheap pants from Walmart that you can pee in, in line, then carry a pair to change in once you get past TSA. Throw away the cheap soiled pants once you’re past TSA. I will never wear a diaper through TSA.
@snow not doubting it has happened at all. It's one of the main reasons I have adamantly refused to travel anywhere by air.
I traveled by plane from NY to Vancouver and then from Seattle to NY with my grand children and daughter last year, this was the first time traveling by plane in 10 years. Both times they picked me to go through the full body scanner. I was wearing a Better Dry diaper. The scanner showed red in the pelvic area at both airports. I whispered to the tsa agents I was wearing a diaper. The agents both said they would have to pat me down, described how they would do it and would I want to do it in private. I was extremely embarrassed the first time and got patted down at the gate. The pat down was not that bad. The second time I knew what to expect and was less embarrassed. They were extremely professional.
My daughter thought they probably picked up on the diaper because it was wet. So when I went through TSA at Seattle I changed my diaper before going through the checkout point at the airport and the scanner still picked up on it.
My sister works for the U.S. DOD as a contractor. Her supper tip for carrying more than what you need for really cheap on a short trip is to throw all of your clothes in a zip-up pillowcase. Pillows are allowed as a personal item and you can pack them full of weeks worth of cloths.

So backpack/ bag with diapers and a pillowcase full of clothes. No checked bag fee.
We already purchased one check bag with each ticket. That is an awesome idea though!!! I may do this anyway lol. Then I don't have to worry about only having my diapering supplies in a bag so it counts as a medical bag I can have checked. Plus I only have to worry about my backpack and the one suitcase+pillowcase vs backpack and two suitcases.
I have had 2 full searches done before aside from just a simple pat down and it was pretty embarrassing. First time was before I learned to do your best and not be wet when going through the scanner, so that set off an alert. I chose the private room as I don't want to lift my shirt and have my waist inspected in front of everyone. They did the search noticing the bulkiness and was asked to lower my pants briefly. I was wet too. Then they cleared me and I was free to leave.

The second time I was dry (mostly) and I felt the tsa was a bit rude. Again I had to do a private room, searched and asked to lift my shirt, then asked to lower my pants and they needed to search the waist band. Had my pants down for 2-3 minutes while they consulted with an additional agent and then was cleared. Not the best flying experience, but most of the time I just pass through fine.

snow said:
Several people who used to be active on the forum were indeed asked to fully strip, bend over and cough type stuff. Search for “TSA” and for the maximum duration of “all” to see all previous entries. It’s up to each individual guard. Basically, they assume you’re wearing a wet diaper carrying gasoline in it to blow up a plane. So that’s why they’re such a**holes about their searches. If you argue with and tell them what the official policy is, they’ll just escort you out or worse, arrest you. So plan plenty of time ahead of your flight for all of that. TSA guards are not people to mess with. They’re in that job to get to harass people.

Also, if you’re carrying diapers on the airplane, I’ve heard you’ll get through TSA faster if you have an entire new pack with you rather than just a few individual diapers.

I’d just take a pair of really cheap pants from Walmart that you can pee in, in line, then carry a pair to change in once you get past TSA. Throw away the cheap soiled pants once you’re past TSA. I will never wear a diaper through TSA.

Yea, TSA can eat a bag of hornets. I know enough from being on here to know how bad they can be. I am lucky that I don't go anywhere by plane.

I do know all the tricks though to really get back at TSA.

First, they can only do what they do IF you let them.

99% of TSA are not sworn Law enforcement and have no law enforcement authority at all. If you are going to be searched at all you have a legal right to request a sworn Law enforcement officer.

Also, 60% of people in TSA uniforms are NOT TSA employees but rather work for the airline. The airports were given TSA uniforms for uptick times like the holidays but now use them like they are TSA but they are not.

Most mid-size airports have no real TSA, they all work for the airlines.

If you feel like someone is not doing right by you, Request Law enforcement.
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