Adult printed diapers

I 100% agree mike. I’ve noticed certain people coming on here posting pictures of wet beds or with obvious fetish names. People can be into whatever but stay the hell off medical sites and support groups. I’m sure there are plenty of other sites where people can get their jollies but for christsakes stay there. I get the same crap with amputee “devotees”. Pretending to be amps or infiltrating support groups to try to pick people up because they think “stumps are sexy”. I don’t want to be your damn fetish.
Yeah, some folks are different. There are other communities for that sort of behavior.
This is a support site for people who can get questions answered, find product advice make some great friends and generally just care about each other. Hope I’m not out of line saying that. I’ve been blessed with talking to several regulars and consider several to be new friends. Thank you for that. It’s nice to be able to send a pm and make sure we are doing okay, especially now with the covid stuff.
Have nice weekend all,
justej said:
I 100% agree mike. I’ve noticed certain people coming on here posting pictures of wet beds or with obvious fetish names. People can be into whatever but stay the hell off medical sites and support groups. I’m sure there are plenty of other sites where people can get their jollies but for christsakes stay there. I get the same crap with amputee “devotees”. Pretending to be amps or infiltrating support groups to try to pick people up because they think “stumps are sexy”. I don’t want to be your damn fetish.
Yeah there are lots of sites for them...biggest is probably ADISC which I stumbled on years ago as it has in incontinence support section as well as various sub forums for ABDL. The "Incontinence" section on that site is absolutely ridiculous with probably 90% of posters clearly faking it. It's easy to spot because it's always "I started wetting the bed, so my wife put me back in diapers" and stuff like that, or they say they have OAB/Urge IC and then list symptoms for stress incontinence and claim to have seen a uro, but list the wrong types of tests that would be done or say "the uro just said I need diapers and said there was no need to do all the tests" if any uro would recommend diapers straight away...most vehemently want you NOT to rely on diapers. Anyway I didn't last there and got banned for calling it out. The admin of that site absolutely doesn't care about it.

The Depend forums are another. I don't believe half the "stories" posted on there. This place has been really great at keeping that stuff away, though it does slip through.

But just a hint for the ABDL folks on here who might read this, choose a better screen name than "WetDiaperBoyPeePants" or "WetBedPuffyPants". You're not fooling anyone....and while you're at it, choose a better avatar than a wet bed or diapered furries.
Hi Artie,
We had two five dollar coupons and got delicious combos she had a spicy chicken and I got a delicious cheeseburger and we got chocolate frosties (Wendy’s version on a milkshake). Great evening watching movies till 2 am!
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