A fond farewell to my good friend coffee


Staff member
I had a bowel accident on the floor before my shower. I drank half a cup of coffee earlier. It’s time to finally give it up for good. I wrote this on Facebook as a kind of funny/I’ll seriously miss my coffee.

A fond farewell to my dear friend coffee:

Dear coffee:
We have had a great time together. You were there for me when I got sober. You and nicotine. But you have done a number on my body. I cannot drink you without writhering in pain. My body says no more. Ive tried to keep our relationship alive these last couple of weeks. Having a cup here and there. But I always regret it. I don’t know if I’m ready to give my Kiureg up yet. But I do know our relationship has to end. Im sorry and I’ll miss you.

Goodbye friend.
- your faithful consumer for over 20 years.
Well that was a very touching and heartfelt 😥farewell to an old friend!! As hard as it is to come to grips with the reality, there comes a time when you just gotta say "never more!" And it looks like this is that time!!!
And as painful and wrenching as that decision was, I think your floor will thank you for that!!!
I absolutely enjoy coffee so I shower first thing then enjoy my coffee so I don't have issues without protection. I'd like to suggest that I was told to sit on the toilet just before I shower and push to minimize bowel issues while showering and it helps. It seems that warm water somehow seems to stimulate the bowels so "expect the unexpected".
I can relate to your relationship with coffee as well as your being sober. Congratulations my friend. I am your polar opposite. I have trouble moving my bowels completely. It has been frustrating for me. After moving my bowels I still feel the urge. It’s like their is fecal matter stuck further up. I have tried using enemas but I still have the urge. Drinking coffee helps me move my bowels however the urge to move my bowels still persists.
justej - A great letter. My Alaska daughter wrote a letter to her old Ford pickup in 1995 when she lived in Albuquerque. She had worked on the vehicle, wired on the bumper on the front, everything she could to keep it running, but eventually she had to give it up. The love letter is long and very poignant, like your letter a little heartache comes through. When I gave up astrology in 1984 I didn't write a letter to "it" but I grieved over all the time I'd spent the 47 previous years, doing charts for people and tracking the planet positions, the money I'd spent on Horoscope magazines etc. The same kind of grieving when I gave up believing in a god and religion, but writing about it sure helped me in changing my life. And that's what will happen to you: all the things associated with drinking coffee. You might think about writing some of your experiences with coffee, making it, drinking it, sharing it, etc. I bet you'll come up with some great memories.

Last time I tried to give up coffee I almost needed bail money. I don't envy you. I have backed off it thinking it will help but then my good friend Vanilla Coke shows up and the issue is worse for my waistband.

I will stick with coffee. Heck, I grew up in a truck driver family.

I like my coffee like I like my death star.

A bit on the dark side and powerful enough to destroy a planet.
Oh, me and my coffee. I cannot give it up at this time, even tho I drink decaf. Good luck to you at this difficult time!
I have an interesting update! I went to the hospital to try on my check socket (temporary leg) and had an iced latte. No problems! I also don’t seem to have a problem with bottled or canned lattes. It just seems to be drip. So I may not have to give it up completely!
just! Good to hear. I had a similar problem with drinking Hills Bros. double mocha cappuccino powdered mix. I started drinking this in 1997 when I had a paper route. I stopped at the 7-11 three or four mornings a week and got hooked on the drink. I started buying a brand name mix at Costco until they quit stocking it and went to another, so I did too! Then they stopped that with no substitute. Online purchases were way too expensive for me.

One of my granddaughters sent me a case of the stuff and I went through that. Then I found it at a Smith's store, then at the Walmart near my home. Then Walmart took it out and started selling a diet blend which was awful. I went for a few weeks buying it at Smith's at $1 more then Walmart started selling it again.

In 2013 I began to have some bowel annoyances and attributed it to the mix so got off of it for a couple weeks and everything cleared up. I found that if I limited myself to one cup a day I had no problems but when I started having two cups a day the old "annoyance" came back.

A friend with a degree in chemistry said that it had silicon dioxide in it and that was bad. So I researched that and found that a lot of things have that ingredient. So I reasoned that was probably not the cause of my issue.

But I'm preparing myself for going on a KETO diet next week and decided to eliminate those cappuccino mix carbs. After two weeks abstaining, the "annoyance" showed up again. How did that happen?

So now I'm thinking that perhaps it is something internal causing my issue and not the mix. Nothing in the CTScan indicated any problem. So if I want to have an occasional (if I can discipline myself) cup of double mocha cappuccino I will.

I do have a piece of dark chocolate with almonds a few times a month or two Oreo cookies, or a piece of chocolate cake and those don't seem to affect me. Real coke which I have about twice a month, doesn't. It doesn't look like it's caffeine. I've been a decaf coffee drinker since 1988 and only drink it 2-3 days a week; I drink decaf tea. I'm trying to investigate this. My doctor doesn't seem to be concerned about any of it. Maybe because she doesn't know anything about nutrition and from anything she knows, there is no answer. She doesn't experience the painful aspects of the issue. I don't know. As somebody else has said, It's all a crap shoot! No pun intended!
Oh I forgot, my granddaughter does bring me a small cold mocha Frappuccino from Starbucks a couple times a week! She works there now!
Figured out what the problem is with coffee. Got to eat before I drink it. 😅😅😅😅😅

Yep! @ThatFlGuy, that can definitely happen, even to the best of us!!!! Never underestimate the power of a steaming cup of coffee!!!!😮😮😮
I can't say I've ever been a coffee drinker, but I feel for you all the same.

my downfall is spicy foods- and it's actually qauite ashame, because they taste (or some of them) taste like absolute heaven

I like for example buffalo wings. my body's not a fan of them though, and don't even get me started on mexican food.. a big no- no here.
I had a coffee at Dunkin’ Donuts here by my gate. I couldn’t resist. I may regret it later. 😖
So far so good 😊
Well, they do have good coffee, especially at an airport first thing in the morning!! (and the donuts are pretty good too!😀)

I look at it this way EJ, I gave up a lot already. If I have to give up coffee to them the doctor's better have a great plan to fix what is going on with me first.
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