7 hours post surgery - this is hell


Staff member
I show up for the “unexpected” RP this morning… After going through the pre-op routine of IV’s and what not, the care team debriefed me and then I was transported to the OR. I was put under; and expecting to wake up in Recovery without a prostate. The surgeon obviously goes to report to family, and then comes back to tell me that he resected my prostate and found nothing but an enlarged prostate, yet still went in to do another cystoscopy to see if anything other than the urethra was constricted. He decided to do the ablation. I looked at him very relieved yet frustrated for putting me through all of the emotional stress.
Catheter with a collection bag is in and it hurts like hell, even with pain medication. I guess my pain tolerance is not as high as I thought it was.

Regardless, this day was hell!
I had a suprapubic catheter input and like you I was in constant pain. The nurses and doctors kept telling me it would get better - it didn’t. After three weeks of intense pain, I told the urologists to get it out. I had immediate relief once it was removed. I will never go through that again. I was told that some people just can’t tolerate this type catheter. I guess I’m one who can’t. Since then I’ve talked to several other people who couldn’t tolerate it either. Don’t get me wrong I’m sure it works for a lot of folks, but it didn’t work for me. If I would have been told upfront about how painful it might be, I’m not sure I would have had it inserted. Before any procedure make sure you have all the facts about it. Ask questions and read up on it. Educate yourself! I hope this helps. I’m not telling everyone it will be as painful as mine; I am just saying it could be painful. Be aware.
Catheters are one of the worst pains I’ve ever experienced. Having a catheter WITH a kidney stone at age 17 was the all-time worst pain I’ve in, tied with waking up from a concussion I got snowboarding that cracked my forehead 3.5” across. That headache was soooooooo intense, as was the confusion. I’d been in a coma for four days.
Catheter came out at 9:30 this morning… 90% of the pain is gone! Just the typical symptoms of random urinary discharges and blood. Time to start the Kegels…
Sorry to hear what you had to go through MAM.

Chris318 sorry that catheter was so painful. Please ignore my ignorance but what is a suprapubic catheter compared to like a foley or self cath one. Figure you can explain easy as opposed to me researching it. Lol ;)

Finally SNOW long time no chat lol hope your doing well. Sorry you had the catheter nightmare at age 17 with a kidney stone ouch. And then the snowboard accident and coma you weren’t having much good luck then.

My worse pain was a surgeon debrining my leg with curved scissors and gauze with no pain meds on board when I was 12 years old. Boy did I scream. Lol.

However, I had to be thankful for that surgeon as she recognized I had flesh eating disease and in the end saved me from having to amputate that leg off.

The fortunate and unfortunate thing is that then was my benchmark for pain. Since then now I have a stupidly high pain tolerance which doesn’t always serve me well. ;)


@Jwh51 Wow, that leg cutting sounds intense!!! Your parents must have been so worried about you! Glad you made it through!
Yeah me too! I defied the odds back then as it was 25% chance of survival. 😉 I win it there but now I get to deal with my MS and incontinence joys. Lol 😂. It is what it is. We just have to make the most of it.

Reminds me of an awesome book my therapist made me read with truly rung a chord within.

Book title.

Your Mind Will Drive You Crazy If You Let It.

It was very enlightening for me and changed my outlook majorly in terms of myself talk.


The book title must have been inspired by the lyric from Dolly Parton’s song “working 9 to 5,” from 1980, which looks like it was published in 2021.
snow said:
The book title must have been inspired by the lyric from Dolly Parton’s song “working 9 to 5,” from 1980, which looks like it was published in 2021.

I love Dolly Parton - 💕 😍

Working 9 - 5; what a way to make a living. One of her other hits "Two Doors Down" in my opinion is one of my favorites. Makes me want to play Planet Coaster again.

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