Tears of joy… but…


Staff member
The Cystoscopy went very well, as far as the procedure is concerned. The urologist was amazed that I didn’t even flinch. The scope went in nice and easy.
I am in tears of joy because he found no signs of anything that would lead him to tell me that I have prostate cancer.
The “but” is that my prostate enlarged both outward and inward. I will be scheduled for an ablation because my urethra was constricted by the prostate. The ablation will open up the canal to allow me to properly urinate. Still tears of joy that the situation did not lead to a radical.
Very good positive news; I have found with cystoscopys that as long as you are relaxed and let the doctor do there job - and not strain your muscles - there is little to no pain.

Very happy to hear you do not have cancer - i think that is a blessing for all to hear.

Blessings In Christ,
The normal process for diagnosing PC is first to have an elevated PSA and/or positive digital exam.
The dr should then order an MRI. If there are any suspicious areas a targeted biopsy is next.
That should give him a good idea of what's going on.
A cystoscopy is fine for a bladder cancer exam but I've never heard of it for PC
Greensleeves351 said:

Congratulations. You have no idea how rare your situation is.


Yes I know he is very blessed. The Angels and the Good Lord have been looking out for him. May He continue to protect him and start healing after his procedure. ❤️

Blessings In Christ,
@Greensleeves351 I feel very fortunate for sure. I knew something was wrong, and certain people doubted for over 2 years. I was told that I could have possibly had very severe complications if the prostate totally shut off the urethra if I had not pushed so hard to address this.
@larryw61 I had a PSA test (borderline), one biopsy that came back negative and an ultrasound… The first urologist I went to told me that I needed to have a radical because of what he believed. He was a quack. I sought a second opinion because someone insisted that I did, and the new urologist was not going to rule out cancer but wanted to see the inside. So I had the initial tests.
Right now MRI is a primary diagnostic it enables the dr to identify areas of interest.
Plain old biopsies are a little like shooting in the dark
Yep cystoscope can’t conclusively rule out prostate cancer, unless the urologist has incredibly sharp eye and doesn’t need MRI, CT, and or biopsies.
Hi @MAM; just so you know we are rooting for no cancer; I wanted to write out a prayer for you.

"Heavenly Father thank you for this day. Thank you for bringing good news to MAM and may whoever he is continue to receive good news and that there is no cancer in his body. May you protect him father, guide him, and lead him to healing. May he continue to feel welcomed, loved, and cared for by the members of the NAFC - and he feel welcomed to be apart of this community where he is valued and thought of equally regardless of symptoms and conditions. Amen."

Blessings In Christ,
@larryw61 @stryder I am glad you are knowledgeable, but to treat me like a fool is unfair. I have been under a lot of duress over these prostate issues.

5 more weeks of this misery. The end of October is the earliest available surgery slot. 😑 It’s scheduled, but I am not a happy camper…
Im not sure what your problem is but we are only trying to give information, there has been no comment on you or your decisions. I think the purpose of this forum is to give information.
@larryw61 I appreciate your help/knowledge. My response was coming from the perspective that you were possibly questioning my story (like I was conjuring up the fact that I was being examined for PC, and like I did not know what I was talking about). I understand that testing has evolved significantly, but I have to let the doctors do their job, and if they opt to do specific tests, then that’s what I will do. But just as a kind FYI, I have metal in my body which makes it hard to get MRI’s authorized by my insurance. I am not angry with you… I was scared to death when doctors started throwing out the word cancer, and still overwhelmed that I need any surgery.
Here's something that I just learned:
Prostate cancer only forms on the outside of the prostate, while prostate enlargement happens only on the inside of the prostate.
@Rowan123 Yes... My prostate is constricting my urethra. My bladder fills and then I have extreme spasms, which in turn when my bladder says "ENOUGH!" I suddenly gush void. Although, regardless of a very rare normal urination or a gush, because of the severe constriction, my bladder does not get the chance to completely empty because there is not enough pressure at the end of my urination. The constriction is what causes the pain, but the spasms only exacerbate the pain. At least I know the reason now. I just have to wait 5 more weeks before I have an ablation to remove the part of the prostate which is binding down on the urethra.
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