32 yo female with urinary incontinence


Staff member

I’ve been bedwetting since I was a child especially during the night. The last two weeks have been super crazy for me. No matter how many times I empty my bladder during the day or right before bedtime, I’m still having bedwetting issues. I’ve seen couple of doctors and neither of them could figure out what is wrong with me. I don’t know if I have become a diabetic now because I’m always peeing in my bed at night lately. Please help! I’m married with 3 children. I have to sleep alone in my bed now because of this continuous problem. :( Thank you.
Hi there,

My only advice is to see a urogynaecologist, if you haven’t done so. I’m sorry you are having such trouble with your bladder, and I hope you find a resolution soon.

Yeah, see the doctors - and keep reading on this forum. It's really hard to get a perspective on this problem without help, so stick around. You may get a clue as to what to tell the doc - or, better yet, the nurse, too.
Talk to the docs..... some times medication like ddavp that is normally given to bed wetter kids helps adults too. It stops the kidneys from producing urine at night. You cannot use it all the time though like day and night. I have 5 kids and 35. Tried pair of different meds and really hate the side effects. I live in the desert and dry mouth really affects me. Personally I wear diapers, wife is supportive of it. We sleep in the same bed. I use tranquility atn with a booster pad. I sleep on my back or stomach and no leaks. Honestly the diapers are better for me then the medication, or the procedures to try and diagnose the problems. Foleys hurt too much and I told my doc I am not getting any more tubes stuck up there. Hopefully your significant other is supportive.
Wearing diapers is the best solution they are very comfortable and you will not be laying in a wet bed. You can get back to sleeping with your husband and feel better.
Definitely look into overnight protective garments, even if it is only until you find a doctor/treatment that might help.
yes, I hope you can find a Dr,to help you. I was a bedwetter till almost 11 or 12 years old, I am female, then I went many years doing fine, no bedwetting or incontinence.Afer I had my second child the incontinence started but I Could use a pad for many years, but every year go worse till now its really bad and Last summer I started to wet the bed maybe once a week, so now its at least 4 or 5 times a week, I feel so depressed about it and no Dr. seems to get it. I am going to go ot a urogynecoligist and tell them How bad it is and want to find out if its nerve damage or what thats causing it. They need to have more studies done on incontinence. It is so humiliating to put up with it. I njust didn't ever think I would go back to weytting the bed again.
First step is to order some good night time protection. Better dry diapers are perfect. NorthShore has a good selection. Stay away from cloth backed because they will leak depending on your output.
Second step, make sure you see a Urogynecologist and neurologist. The combination may be able to find what the cause is. Incontinence is not condition but a symptom of an underlying condition (nerve damage, diabetes, etc).
Third, if your husband is not supportive then seek a counselor/psychologist to get all the shit off your chest. You need someone to emotionally support you.
Fourth, it’s not the end of the world. You have taken the first step in reaching out and talking about it. Life isn’t easy and incontinence doesn’t make it easier. You’re definitely not alone and never will be.

Keep us up today’s with your progress. We like to hear success here and always support the failures. Don’t expect a miracle cure and give it time. Don’t be discouraged and stay strong.
This is so uneasy, there is no quick fixes when things are like this, I say this as I have walked the same path. Many times I have come home so disappointed from my urologist as he try's to get me to say something that I feel is wrong, so he can put that into his history like he is doing something. One of this PA's emailed me as she knew I was just not happy with the rubber stamp, your incontinence and you have bla bla bla. She has given me a certain amount of hope.

I'm glad you are here, as you can tell your story raw, meaning were not offended. We know too about this stuff.
If possible, dump that doc - it's that preconceived, don't let the facts get between him and his ego thing. See if you can get a lead on a better urologist.
You need to see a doctor to determine if you are a diabetic. You also need to see a doctor about your incontinence. Doctors can help.
Diabetes is easy to diagnose for doctors. It's so widespread that most doctors have some experience with it or at least can send you to someone who can help. Don't accept the runaround from doctors, sometimes(most times?)insurance companies pressure them to cut costs and that ends up hurting us.

Incontinence on the other hand I think is tougher to diagnose. I got at best a vague reason for my issues, but I got cleared or prostate and other serious problems, so I'm focusing on bigger fish at the moment.

Sometimes you have to be pushy to get what you need from the medical system. That's tough for some folks like me who are shy by nature. I am getting better at it, but still often feel neglected sometimes when my numbers are good, but I still feel like crap.

Keep at it 'til you get what you need or at least know the reason why not.
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