3 years and still suffering ☹️


Staff member
Hi all,
It's lovely to have a group of people who know what I'm going through.
It's been so tough the past 3 years, sometimes I wonder how I've coped for so long.
I'm in my late 20's now, and have to wear incontanance pants.
I'm constantly worrying about what I wear as to no let the pants be visable. I'm always worrying about where the next toilet will be.
I am really hating all of this right now, I'm struggling to cope with it.
I wish there was something I could do to make it better. I've had medication in the past and it hasn't helped. I have a pelvic floor toner that also hasn't helped.

Anyway, how do you all cope with the panic of having an accident while out or being around people?
I get so panicky to the point I feel light headed and sick 😞
@Leanne22 :

The fact you have joined this group is one step (for many, a big step) forward in coping with
incontinence in daily life. Give yourself credit already, Leanne22 !!

We have all struggled. We all struggle. We will struggle. PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE.

But, don't let the 'struggle' concept make you a victim. You are NOT helpless. You are in
control and you have more resourcefulness within than you might realize.

Even if medications and other medical procedures have not helped, there is some very good
incontinence protection out there in the form of many products. Some are made to handle
even very heavy accidents when out and about for extended periods. Many of us have
gone through the trial and error process to find the best 'incontinence pants' just for us.

Read many of the posts here, posts from active people, all ages, around the world. You'll
see we are out there and even YOU would not know just by sight that we have the very same
incontinence situation you have. We face up to it, conquer it and continue seeking whatever
is better. Few are the wiser.

Confidence while being incontinent is NOT the barrier you now see. Too many of us have
migrated to the other side of that barrier. You are welcome to join us. Hang around!
Deep breathing exercises practiced regularly can help you breathe through panic when you feel that. A counselor can give you breathing exercises ises or there are many available online.
I'm trying new things for my Incontinence. What is a pelvic floor toner?
Me I am trying to relax when I do go and then I catheterize cause I retain, then I use electronic muscle stimulation on the anterior of my bladder on a low setting using a TENS unit between trips to help block flow and tone muscles when I am away from the bathroom, and I use a pessary ring to keep the prolapse pushed forward. Also I have scheduled pee trips where I first double void and then catheterize. I must monitor how much fluid I put into the system. No caffeine. No diuretics. Reduction in citrus drinks unless I am near a bathroom. Meds make mine worse. I cannot and should not use the Nurostim or Interstim because I have a low back injury and a mechanical and injury to my pelvic floor. The most embarrassing for me is the overflow surge right now sometimes right on the lawn. Yes it gets embarrassing sometimes. What if we worked to take some of the stigma away from it.
Know that you are not alone. Lots of us find ourselves in similar straights. This forum is one of the best support forums I have ever seen.
Has anyone had recurring bladder infections caused by atrophied vaginal tissues, after Botox injections? I use an Estrogen cream every other day because my vaginal tissues have atrophied (I'm 63) and my urogynecologist says the breakdown in the cells causes bacteria to migrate into the urethra and cause UTIs. I've had four UTIs since my Botox injections on June 8. I take Macrobid for either five or seven days, after which I take another antibiotic (begins with a T) daily snd am supposed to take that antibiotic for 60 days. In between infections, my bladder has calmed down significantly but I'm very discouraged and hope to put these infections behind me.
Has your GP or district nurses been able to suggest anything? Mine have been rather good with me but I guess that each one of us will need something different.

Don't worry about the incontinence pants. They probably don't show and there's nothing to be ashamed of even if someone does notice.

Good luck!
If anyone has any experience/advice regarding my earlier post, I would appreciate learning about it. Thanks.
Thank you all for your kind responses.

I have been practising some breathing exercises over the past few weeks.
I do find they help a little. But I struggle most during the school runs (because I would die of embarrassment if I had an accident on the school playground! Even though I wear the pants 😑) and it's hard to do breathing exercise when the kids are around and trying to talk to me.

I am going back to see my GP soon, I'm going to ask to be referred to a specialist and maybe see about some counselling for anxiety.
I was told by a previous doctor "it's just one of those things" "get on with it" so I've not got great faith in them. I have been referred to a bladder clinic before but it wasn't helpful.

This is the pelvic floor toner I have - TensCare itouch Sure Pelvic Floor Exerciser (Packaging may vary) (Eligible for VAT relief in the UK) https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B001S2LGH0/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_NMNUzbF5Q820N

It's good and I do notice a difference, but the problem is you have to make sure you keep using it or it all goes to pot.
We went on holiday and I hadn't used it for a week, and I was awful! 4 weeks later and I'm still trying to get the little strength I had back.

I think the reason it's really getting to me lately is, I've lost 56lbs over the last year, and I look good, I would to wear a tight pair of jeans and feel confident but I just can't with the incontanace pants 😢
I felt the same way early on....literally felt sick over it. And every time the symptoms got worse I felt worse. When I had to go from wearing diapers just at night to feeling like I needed pullups too during the day it was horrible. Not long after, I felt like the pullups weren't cutting it and I realized I needed to be in diapers all the time. That was really hard for me and the adjustment took a long time.

But I can honestly say I'm very used to it now and it's no longer such a big deal. I certainly don't panic about finding bathrooms or having accidents because I pretty much only do #1 in my diaper now. It takes a while to accept things when they get this bad, but over time anything can become fairly normal. Now I see diapers as just underwear and I go out and do the things I want to do without much worry.

quoting you:

"I think the reason it's really getting to me lately is, I've lost 56lbs over the last year, and I look good, I would to wear a tight pair of jeans and feel confident but I just can't with the incontanace pants 😢"


Whoa! Celebrate this! Yes, you CAN wear those nice fitting jeans with confidence -- over the incontinence pants and all. I've seen
it done.

Step out with pride and confidence. No one will be the wiser.

Allow me to get this off my chest and input my .02 Cemts worth.

I have Urge Continence now for past 5 months.Two medications have not been very helpful. I have now taken 3 PTNS treatments with 9 more to go. Hope to have some relief from OAB after 6 or 7 treatments.

Anyhow, I am having a very difficult struggle coping with the constant wetness coming from the bladder. It does Not STOP. I'm having to change 3-4 man pads and adult diapers daily. If there is anybody with same Continence prob. as me, who can get through each day with a positive attitude and keep a smile on their face, Good on you. Please to let me how this can be done under the circumstances.

I am looking for some good advice on how to "Cope" with this OAB

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