Staff member
I couldn't find the "Introduction Page", so I'm doing it here.
I'm Scott, and I'm just starting on this journey called incontinence. I'm 63 years old, and have been diabetic from about age 25. At age 59 I was diagnosed with Gleason score 3+3 prostate cancer. With rising PSA, a swelling prostate, and growing cancer size, we decided to have my prostate removed this past Nov. 30. The catheter was removed Friday Dec. 3. I had been doing kegel exercises, 3 sets daily of 10 at a time, holding for 10 seconds each.
When the catheter was removed, I was told by the nurse that I had to drink "a lot" of water, and hold my urine for 2 hours. She said that I have to get my bladder to expand back to normal size. I have continued to do my normal routine of kegels daily, but can't get past 45 minutes or so before having to sprint to the bathroom. Also, I have had a steady "dribble" of urine since the catheter came out. Will this dribble end?
I'm better at night. Then I'm able to go between 1 to 1.5 hours between trips to the bathroom. I've had a dry Chux pad every time I get up, so that's good! I wear Depends Maximum briefs with a shield 24/7.
Is all of this normal?
Has anyone found any certain foods or drinks that either help or hinder regaining continence? Today I didn't drink any coffee, and things are a little better. Coincidence??? Also, am I doing enough kegels, and is there anything else that I can do to make this better?
I couldn't find the "Introduction Page", so I'm doing it here.
I'm Scott, and I'm just starting on this journey called incontinence. I'm 63 years old, and have been diabetic from about age 25. At age 59 I was diagnosed with Gleason score 3+3 prostate cancer. With rising PSA, a swelling prostate, and growing cancer size, we decided to have my prostate removed this past Nov. 30. The catheter was removed Friday Dec. 3. I had been doing kegel exercises, 3 sets daily of 10 at a time, holding for 10 seconds each.
When the catheter was removed, I was told by the nurse that I had to drink "a lot" of water, and hold my urine for 2 hours. She said that I have to get my bladder to expand back to normal size. I have continued to do my normal routine of kegels daily, but can't get past 45 minutes or so before having to sprint to the bathroom. Also, I have had a steady "dribble" of urine since the catheter came out. Will this dribble end?
I'm better at night. Then I'm able to go between 1 to 1.5 hours between trips to the bathroom. I've had a dry Chux pad every time I get up, so that's good! I wear Depends Maximum briefs with a shield 24/7.
Is all of this normal?
Has anyone found any certain foods or drinks that either help or hinder regaining continence? Today I didn't drink any coffee, and things are a little better. Coincidence??? Also, am I doing enough kegels, and is there anything else that I can do to make this better?