You are certainly not alone in having to manage incontinence. You are right that there is a stigma for those who are not very "young" or very "old" and need to wear some form of protection. However, I have found that we often make ourselves feel worse by believing everyone knows we are wearing protection, when in reality they don't. I am 48 and have been dependent on a diaper for three years. I can honestly say no one has ever said anything to me about it in the same way that I have never known if or when someone around me was wearing protection. Most of us do not advertise our needs, and so even if we are internally aware and embarrassed, no one else really knows. Three years into this even my in-laws do not have any idea what is under my clothes or what happens in their bathroom whenever we visit. That is not to say it is not hard work to carry on like there is nothing wrong, because even now, I am still keenly aware of my needs and I think it is the stigma that keeps me aware.