Staff member
The one thing i love about the NAFC is not so much how we support one another on a national level; but on a global scale as well. We are i suppose a "Ray of Light" to those who are looking for mental and emotional assistance in there bladder and bowel struggles.
i feel like i just got home.
So anyway, now that i am back - i wanted to take a moment to explain a little bit more in depth of my personal struggles.
Have you ever been psychologically manipulated? Have you ever been in a dark time of your life where you suffered from mental illness? I know i have.
I wake up everday prepared for the unexpected. Every day that passes - i see more and more of the Truth. Ive been hurt by many people. I suppose the main three of whom are my dad, step mother, and former daytime care provider.
God i was so embarassed as a child for enuresis accidents and having to wear that yellow bathing suit. I remember telling my mother about the Mickey Mouse Training Pants i had to wear on the days that i had an episode. Sitting in front of that huge wrap around fireplace in the backroom alone on the couch watching Thomas the Tank and Dora the Explorer. There was a sliding glass door to the right. I remember standing in a line for lying one time for saying i didnt have an accident. My former babysitter was very keen on "Lying". I was put on a medicine a couple years ago that hyperbolated my memories. I didnt know what was wrong with myself aa i was losing control of my bladder and memories were flooding back and i didnt know what to do with them.
I had a hard time for a long time admitting to needing protection because of those people in my life that made diapers and training pants out to be for infants and babies.
But the most beautiful thing about everything in my life is the truth in it all. My memories and feelings of validation didnt have to come from others; but instead was inside me all along. While i woke up everyday during a situation where i was being psychologically toyed with and played with by others because they took my private information by a internet trend known as catfishing.
So i started my own investigation. I got to work and finally cleared my name. Unfortunately the situation rose above others and im in a stiatuin where i feel i am being retailiated against by what is know as a "A family". The blue line of silence is real. As i see it everyday in my life. On my good days where i can hold for an hour or more - and on my bad days where im craweled up in bed in the evening wearing a disposable diaper.
And i think of the unfairness of it all - because a guy in his 20s shouldnt have to endure the pain and suffering of bladder spasms and leakage.
Over the past few months of going back to work more hours; ive noticed not having my body in a relaxed state has helped my bladder control during the day. I remember last summer when i was out of work - i was at home, alone, and being relaxed in bed and stressed - caused the spasms to worsen. I notice now when i am at home or in the car, when im relaxed is when the spasms and the pain worsen. I think ive talked about that on here before.
Anyway, how have you coped with pain management? Mental; emotional, physical? For those with PTSD of mental and physical abuse - how do you keep your mind off your traumatic memories and daily triggers?
i feel like i just got home.
So anyway, now that i am back - i wanted to take a moment to explain a little bit more in depth of my personal struggles.
Have you ever been psychologically manipulated? Have you ever been in a dark time of your life where you suffered from mental illness? I know i have.
I wake up everday prepared for the unexpected. Every day that passes - i see more and more of the Truth. Ive been hurt by many people. I suppose the main three of whom are my dad, step mother, and former daytime care provider.
God i was so embarassed as a child for enuresis accidents and having to wear that yellow bathing suit. I remember telling my mother about the Mickey Mouse Training Pants i had to wear on the days that i had an episode. Sitting in front of that huge wrap around fireplace in the backroom alone on the couch watching Thomas the Tank and Dora the Explorer. There was a sliding glass door to the right. I remember standing in a line for lying one time for saying i didnt have an accident. My former babysitter was very keen on "Lying". I was put on a medicine a couple years ago that hyperbolated my memories. I didnt know what was wrong with myself aa i was losing control of my bladder and memories were flooding back and i didnt know what to do with them.
I had a hard time for a long time admitting to needing protection because of those people in my life that made diapers and training pants out to be for infants and babies.
But the most beautiful thing about everything in my life is the truth in it all. My memories and feelings of validation didnt have to come from others; but instead was inside me all along. While i woke up everyday during a situation where i was being psychologically toyed with and played with by others because they took my private information by a internet trend known as catfishing.
So i started my own investigation. I got to work and finally cleared my name. Unfortunately the situation rose above others and im in a stiatuin where i feel i am being retailiated against by what is know as a "A family". The blue line of silence is real. As i see it everyday in my life. On my good days where i can hold for an hour or more - and on my bad days where im craweled up in bed in the evening wearing a disposable diaper.
And i think of the unfairness of it all - because a guy in his 20s shouldnt have to endure the pain and suffering of bladder spasms and leakage.
Over the past few months of going back to work more hours; ive noticed not having my body in a relaxed state has helped my bladder control during the day. I remember last summer when i was out of work - i was at home, alone, and being relaxed in bed and stressed - caused the spasms to worsen. I notice now when i am at home or in the car, when im relaxed is when the spasms and the pain worsen. I think ive talked about that on here before.
Anyway, how have you coped with pain management? Mental; emotional, physical? For those with PTSD of mental and physical abuse - how do you keep your mind off your traumatic memories and daily triggers?
