What is your New Years resolution?

To be more patient. I've always had a low tolerance for frustration and a tendency to swear like a sailor, but the past couple of years I've let that come out too much and it's turning me into somebody I don't like. My resolution is to keep my anger and frustration in check. I've got my work cut out for me, but one thing that I've always found important is that I be able to look in the mirror and genuinely like and respect the person staring back at me.

It's the first time in at least ten years that I've made a New Years resolution.

neither do i

I don't know.. I just feel if you want to change something or improve something, why wait until january 1st- why not think well, this is what I want to change, and start right away
I want to get back to golf and I will. I have decided incontinence is not going to stop me doing the things I like. I played snooker with a mate last night and will play table tennis on Thursday, both occasions I will leak but I have enjoyed the sport more than the discomfort. I will get better when my exercises and body allow but until then I’m going for it and I hope it doesn’t drag me down. Have a great New Year all!
I'm not a big one for making New Year's resolutions either!! If I need to do something I just go ahead and do it without having to wait until January 1. I know it's a cliché, but no time like the present!!!
Don't do new years resolutions but 2022 I plan and hope to get a better grip and control over some mental health issues I'm having so my life will be better.
Never found short fixes to work.
Steady daily outlook no violent effort to grab the steering wheel of life
I want to get through my Left Thumb surgery, my 2 Urodynamics, 1 Cystoscopy, Right Foot surgery, Left Knee surgery, Right Knee surgery, perhaps INTER STIM placement if my doctor thinks it will help. My podiatrist doesn't want to operate on two of my hammer toes, but I want him to. Will talk to his partner, because his partner said he would operate on them. They hurt! All these procedures & surgeries to face! It's a tall order!! Plus want to get a handle on OAB/FI!!! Found some good slideshows on OAB at WEBMD.
Yes, that's a good one. Wearing a mask. Read an article. These are the best masks: N95, KN95, KF95, cloth masks, masks the doctor's office gives you.
I do need to make some changes. Last year i stopped smoking cigarettes. Had my last one Christmas eve 2020. So maybe I will try to loose all the extra weight I gained and try to be more friendly again, I sure was cranky for a good while.
I don’t make resolutions per se, but these are my goals for 2022 overall. Statistics show that you actually have a greater success of achieving your goals if you set them on any day except January 1 - seriously!

To pay even more random compliments to strangers to make their day!

I’m trying to return to reading to fall asleep, rather than watching TV.

Trying to move within two months but having Flu B sure isn’t helping. It has delayed everything like PT on my foot and ankle, doctors appointments, etc. But I’m glad it isn’t COVID! I was out of work all of last week and can tell I’ll be out for most of this week, too. Fortunately I have three weeks of paid sick leave.

After I’ve moved and COVID has settled down again (*if*), I’m going to join some MeetUps to meet new people.

I’m going to take a cheese tasting class, if/when ‘Rona quiets down.

I’d like to bake more often again.

And I’m going to make sure my neck damage isn’t too dangerous and plan to get my first knee replacement in October.
@Ruhappy Congratulations on stopping smoking cigarettes; that is a major accomplishment! Scientists say cigarettes are 1,000 times more addictive than all other drugs combined. I don’t smoke but I agree that from what I’ve seen, that must be true.
New Years was pretty rough this year. It dawned on me that in my current state I really have nothing to look forward to in life due to a combination of brain and body issues so my resolution is to be in a better position health wise. Much easier said than done but I'll continue fighting for treatment. I've got an MRI booked for the beginning of next month which has to be done to get treatment. If that comes back negative then that I'll push for a lumbar puncture and if I don't get anywhere I'll go private. I can sell some music gear as I can't do anything with it anyway.
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