What is your best acronym for adult diaper

When I started using diapers I called them the protector like some sort of robotic armed defender of the world!! Lol, my ex wife was appalled that I had to use these and didn’t understand or care to understand why I couldn’t just get help so I tried to be funny about it and not too long after that the EX happened!! It was the best thing that ever happened to me because I found the best woman in the world and am happier than I really EVER thought I could be or deserved to be!!!!!!!!
So happy for your happiness!!
One day, that self same Ex will learn what a good EXample of a good guy, just trying to get by, you are and she will have to find a synonym she can live with. Like Superwoman Drawers. Or Defender of the Dependers. Or Queen of Nocturia.
Thank you Petejc. When i am done reincarnating as a beautiful woman with a busted hip and a colorful past I plan to come back as Tibetan Holocaust survivor who is a stand up comic.
Just for now...i am too shy.
And learning to dance again.
Boomer, your heart and seeet soul is too warm to make any word sound cold.
Id hate to see what you could do with the word "ice cream"!
I couldn't agree more, I love my pals here! Kinda a inhouse day here, for some reason my bladder is mad and doing anything it was, and when at home I can play the game and not worry! lol
Maymay, I take ice-cream and put warmed caramel, and hot fudge on it with salty peanuts, and its allergy free and no calories to my friends here!!!! lol

And its a tape diaper zone, so everyone doesn't worry about that,, and can enjoy seconds! yeaaaaaaaa
I can just hear you saying in a stern voice to your PCP: Loosen the tape and no one gets hurt! Im coming in for 2nds!
Sundae Sunday.
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