What is urge incontinence like?

So what’s the difference for overactive bladder and urge incontinence? OAB = far more frequent peeing? I have all of the above.
As far as I understand it OAB is your bladder frequently gets the urge to go even when it isn't full, urge incontinence is incontinence from being unable to prevent the urge to go. I many cases people have both. I know that is the case for me. However, it is possible to have OAB with no incontinence and urge IC without an OAB
My doctors have told me OAB means you urinate frequently, which I certainly do, every 5-20 minutes, 24/7. Once in a while I make it to 60 minutes. When I was at my sickest with COVID, I couldn’t tolerate eating or drinking. I lost six pounds in seven days. I drank less than 20 oz. per day and hardly peed. I slept great at night, for a change - only woke up 1-2x per night to pee. Too bad dehydration isn’t healthy - then again, neither is not sleeping.
Hi snow, I hope your appetite is back and that you are on the mend! While you were at your sickest your body needed a lot of sleep and it looks like you were able to get that. Hope things are looking up for you bur just continue to be careful!
Wetdad in response to your question. Personally I don’t think it’s bad to just relax and let the urine flow obviously assuming you have on the appropriate protection on rather than having to deal with the pain and uncomfortable bladder spasms and then trying to find and make it too the bathroom. I guess my attitude is I am wearing a diaper for a reason and sometimes I just give in and use it just to prevent the spasms etc. I agree though mentally at first I felt bad about it but looking back on it why should I feel bad??
That makes a lot of sense, @Jwh51!! You are doing what makes you comfortable and bladder spasms definitely are not comfortable!!!
The sensation of sitting in warm pee itself, not the stigma of wearing a diaper, is what grosses me out. Plus if I deliberately let go with a full void, I have almost as much anxiety about potentially leaking in public as I do about finding bathrooms in public.
Hi snow, I know just what you mean about letting go with a full void. For me it's the anxiety of leaking in public (at least I was unlocking the door to the house or driving) and that has happened a couple of times and also quite a few close calls!
Yeah, I often get into the bathroom but can’t get my pants down fast enough. My bladder has a Pavlovian release response when it knows I’m near a toilet!
Uh, yes, @snow and @jrpoorman, that is somewhat familiar territory for me! I think there is something to that Pavlovian release response, snow!
My cousin and I have talked about how even having the driveway of the house in sight provokes bladder flutters/tension. I keep a disposable Tupperware in the garage in case I can’t wait. That was more of a problem before I strengthened my pelvic floor muscles. She lives on a remote farm and can just pee in her private driveway. Her problem began after pregnancy.
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