What happened to?

Good point. He might see this or you could send a private message which he might see as its personal if he not checking every NAFC post.
Always good to know the group is rooting for you.
Hey all. I'm ok. Just going through a bout of depression. Dealing with my leg and being in limbo as to whether I'll have another surgery or not. Wont know until the 9th. The incontinence is the same. And will probably never change. I did try those abena xl1s that I mistakenly got from northshore and am pleasantly surprised at how they hold up for mostly small wettings. I cant use them out of the house but when I want a break from briefs around the house they are ok. Anyhoo thanks for checking in. It is indeed good to know the group is rooting for you. I'll try to post more often.
Thank you Ej. Sorry, its tough stuff. But your a toughie.
And thank you Jeff for raising the concern!
Hi, Everyone I am fine. Nice to see the posts on how my incontinence friends are doing. God Bless-had a great Easter. Trying to catch up with all my stuff around the house. Housework never ends. Blessings-I like reading your posts-I feel you are my little family. I suffered with depression and anxiety a lot, I feel for you. Believe it or not forcing yourself to exercise helps a lot. Both with depression and anxiety.
Justej and BarbaraDrabek, welcome back. Just enjoying the very beginning of spring, imagine yours in much more advanced or even close to over. Some many micro-climates here; we must be in a "slower" one. 20 miles away, the crocuses just showed up, some grass is beginning to green, our grass isn't. We do have buds swelling, just beginning to open. Hoping for the first robins and varied thrushes. Big northern owls have been going through, stopping for a few meals (Hey! They are welcome to our mice!). We hear them calling - we still have nights.
Justy: i got sick and tired of operations, have been resisting new one. Out of money, anyway; good excuse, and nothing too urgent and hoping it is the same for you (Not urgent).
thanks for all you well wishes MayMay and AlasSouth. Be healthy -be happy. Thank the Lord for his blessings.I live in SW FL. where is is always warm. I do miss the time when I was leaving for work and seeing the crocuses starting to bloom. I do not miss the snow or the cold at all. I really cannot take the cold anymore. Blessings-Barb
I've been posting in my ankle fusion support group (there is a support group for everything!) Because that's what I'm really struggling with now. I am really thinking about amputation of my leg. The surgery my doctor proposed doesnt have a great success rate. My incontinence is second to that right now. Its overwhelming.
No. It will deteriorate over time. And I'll have to be on opioids for an extended period of time and I dont want to do that. Plus the pain is horrific
I supposed with your support group-there is no advise from a consensus. When this happens to me, I try to write down the good, bad and ugly. It will help you make a better decisions. When we are stress and there is no nice or good way out-we can make a worst choice for ourselves. Be careful, usually the group has a good grounding on what can and/or should be done. My heart goes out to you, I have been in your position a few times in my journey
Barb Drabek
Thanks barb. There are actually a lot of people who had the same choice and went with amputation. A couple besides me facing it now. I just want it all to be over. Not as in ending my life but the pain and frustration. I want a life back.
I know, it is very hard. Think of all the positives stuff and try to be calm. I know the meds are very addictive. It took me a year along with being an unhappy camper to get off some meds for pain. Blessings-Barb
@justej I was on opioids for years for sciatica and low back pain. I took Trammadol. I took it a directed, I didn't snort it, shoot it or whatever else people do to abuse it.

Then I lost weight through a gastric bypass and I was able to stop taking it. I had no withdrawal symptoms and no desire to seek it out through illicit channels.

Everybody is different, but I at least experienced no problems with the opioid I took. If you've had issues with them in the past though it would make sense to avoid them.

My $0.02
Squander. The bizarre thing is Trammadol was for pets (dogs) only, when i first encountered it years ago. Now i see in the literature it has been approved for us. I had no idea it was an opioid - shows what i know. I had a partially used bottle sitting on the bookcase for several years after our dog passed. I guess i didn't dispose of it properly. It did allow her to walk, again, for a couple of years, then the arthritis got too bad, and she had to go up a step in painkillers. You could even buy it at a regular pharmacy - and it was a lot cheaper than "human" medicine. Bet they raised the price.
I was on a low dose and got off. I had no desire to take more, however getting off was terrible for me. It took me a good 6 months. I did not realize when then Doctor prescribed for me what it was. I have no desire to go on it again unless I am dying and the pain is terrible.
Barbara: several of my operations were only when i reached the point i couldn't function - those were arthritis-based, although the first was when my employer and our regulator wouldn't have let me work "under the influence" - which is a good thing. It would have been no more responsible than drunk driving. So then i knew there was a point to random drug testing besides the government's insane hatred of pot, which i wasn't using anyway. Now I'd reconsider, since this is a "legal" state. It's an issue more clear-cut than ours. That first one it was, "Now why didn't i do this earlier?" I had been building up sick leave for several years. (an option open to fewer and fewer people) I don't seem to see that here - or not where it works for long, or years and years. Darn it. Or is that chiefly because where the operation works, they leave the group? Anyone know, and know which operation works? My docs (and nurses) have been real unenthusiastic about the one applicable to me.
Getting off the opioids may have been easy for me because i only took them when it got just too bad, which wasn't continuous. I'm still doing better and still con't know why, except my glucose numbers are better, maybe.
I wanted to ask: does pot work for anyone, maybe by reducing the anxiety or something?
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