Barbara: several of my operations were only when i reached the point i couldn't function - those were arthritis-based, although the first was when my employer and our regulator wouldn't have let me work "under the influence" - which is a good thing. It would have been no more responsible than drunk driving. So then i knew there was a point to random drug testing besides the government's insane hatred of pot, which i wasn't using anyway. Now I'd reconsider, since this is a "legal" state. It's an issue more clear-cut than ours. That first one it was, "Now why didn't i do this earlier?" I had been building up sick leave for several years. (an option open to fewer and fewer people) I don't seem to see that here - or not where it works for long, or years and years. Darn it. Or is that chiefly because where the operation works, they leave the group? Anyone know, and know which operation works? My docs (and nurses) have been real unenthusiastic about the one applicable to me.
Getting off the opioids may have been easy for me because i only took them when it got just too bad, which wasn't continuous. I'm still doing better and still con't know why, except my glucose numbers are better, maybe.
I wanted to ask: does pot work for anyone, maybe by reducing the anxiety or something?