Billliveshere: Ambler is waaay up there, just below the North Slope
Borough. About 91% speak Inupiat, which is amazing, as we've wiped out most native languages, in Alaska, and there are/were a lot of them, not counting the dialects. About 250-300 residents. It's on the Kobuk
River, which comes out into the the Bering at Kotzebue, which is the hub city. It's all above the Arctic Circle. Subsistence village, lots of fishing, whether there or they go down to the Bering. Logically enough, the natives are Inupiaq.
Don't ask me to pronounce the village's real name - it take special
speech markers. They have a post office and a zipcode. Getting
Christmas presents requires knowing a craft (like beading with
Porcupine quills or carving) or very early ordering, and everything
comes in by small plane. I mean, everything. I think the Covid economy has bankrupted their plane service, but there may be one left. There may be a small fuel barge that gets that high. It gets to the minus 60s, I think. The river is not open even half a year. It's called asub-arctic climate, although I'm not sure what is "sub" about it. I think they have several teachers. It takes only 8 children for the State to have to send one. Homesteaders anywhere near do homeschooling, probably without satellite internet. I'll bet Ambler has it, now. And there are probably more snowmachines than dog sleds.
Darned if I remember the name, but I think there was a famous Iditarod Race sled dog musher from there.
It's not ancient.
Never been there, but seen the home-made pictures and heard the
stories. My experience is the villagers are nice people, almost
anywhere, but it is their village and their language. There ain't no Super 8. I don't know if it is dry - that's local option. Some
teachers come up from the Lower 48 and have no idea what they are
getting into. I think they have VPSO (Village Public Safety Officer - State troopers without guns and a lot less training). No doctor, but they are part of a native health association. Forgotten which Native Corporation they are in.
Want to see something neat for Christmas? Find the you-tube video of a bunch of Alaska kids from up there doing the Halalluah chorus, with cards for the subtitles. Not sure any are Ambler kids, but there were hub-city kids from up that-a-way.
Chicken, Alaska, has a great story. There were 2 guys running for
mayor, and someone nominated a turkey (You know - a bird). It won, and the defeated candidates ate it. Alaskan were laughing hard. They should have noticed the date and where the story came from - It was from Kodiak Public Radio (South of South-Central), and it was April1st. So, Alaskans laughed harder.
It still makes me smile.