

Staff member
My doctor keeps nagging me to drop a few pounds ( more than a few if I'm being honest). He seems convinced that it will reduce the frequency of bladder spasms and leakage. I know that some of you have been successful in reducing your weight and was wondering if it has helped with bladder problems? I know that my weight needs to go down because of blood pressure as much as anything, but I am finding it very hard.
I have weight loss surgery and have los over 25 pounds and I have seen no change in my incontinence
I lost around 35lbs last year (and eventually found some of it again). I don't recall any significant change in my frequency in the daytime or nightly bedwetting. Your results may vary, but can't hurt to try. It's a fad right now, but I can tell you that keto really works. A lot of my weight loss was changing my diet significantly.
@lorumipsum I have managed to reduce the weight in the past, but somehow it seems to creep back! Phil
@physlink I can seem to make short term changes but I start back to my old eating habits before I know it.
I can tell you Dave ive known alot of people self sabotage after weight loss surgery by finding ways to sneak many emall snacks throughout the day ass they cant keep down large portions at one time. The stomach then stretches.

This is a personal choice of course and just an observation on my part not a judgement. You do you!!!
On another note, i have the impression that many of us here have extra weight and maybe diabetes.
Waaay too much damage to the psyche and eating disorders from others input from childhood to abusive friends and partners.
If you were bullied or the recipient of sexual behaviors you might have turned to food to stuff down feelings or comfort yourself. You are not a bad greedy or stupid person for getting heavy for eating.
That said, i have noticed sugar is a real problem in my incontinence day to day and so i choose to be aware and complict with only MYSELF in choosing to limit the known intake of sugar. It is in everything from bread to sauces like ketchup and mustard.
SUGAR MAKES ME PEE MORE. It can alter rapidly within 24 hours of making non sugary choices.
Walking a little bit further in a parking spot or around a store, going upstairs more often at home have caused me to feel much healthier happier read SELF EMPOWERED.
@Maymay941 I didn't think about it until I read your post, a specific diet could really end up hurting someone. Best to run that by a doctor if there are other health concerns.
Congratulations everyone on the weight loss. However you Achieved it, you did it and that is awesome. MayMay, you are right, allot of people eat as a comfort thing. I’m one of them. I am on a ketogenic diet through my doctors office and I love the nurse nutritionist who is helping me. Have wandered a bit but have really tried to maintain caloric and carb intake so I can help myself feel better. Both of my knees are shot and bone on bone for about 5 years. It hurts to walk but what I’ve lost so far is a huge help. I still cheat on my diet but I can say I no longer need my short acting insulin and almost to the point I can do away with the lantus insulin too. I am so blessed to have a great doctor and staff who have gotten me this far.

You mentioned about bullying and sexual misbehavior and they both suck. No one should have to go through either. I learned some time ago peoples minds tend to protect themselves and there are certain behaviors some follow as a coping mechanism. I still pray for those folks as they probably had similar situations they were dealing with.
Have to run. Hope everyone has a nice day today and excellent week.
I lost about 35 pounds from when I started leaking until now. I actually leak significantly more now so it wasn’t helpful for me. I did it because it was something I could control since I couldn’t control my bladder and I feel better, less heart burn and bloating, when I eat less.
Glad to hear you feel better Rupertino and Dave, you are smiling in your photo!
At the end of the day, its about feeling as comfortable as we can in these bodies.
I find that it has helped me some, I noticed it get worse as my weight goes up as well. That could also be due to diet changes, more grease, salt, sugar. I also get constipated as my weight goes up. I do t know if that is a factor.
My weight goes up and down, being on the lighter side seems to help my incontinence. Right now I’m on the heavier side because I quit smoking this summer and also I am taking a generic brand of thyroid replacement hormones and I believe that the generic for this medication is not as strong.
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