Great! Congratulations on the weight loss! Now we have a bunch of jeolous people on here, including me.
We've been doing a lot of label reading; those nutrition labels. Fruit juice is just loaded. From the point of view of a diabetic, the carbs count too, and the body can use them to convert to sugar - and to store fat. And it doesn't want to give up that fat.
We stocked up on those Ocean Spray cranberry juices, when the price got unbelievable low. Now I just use it to flavor water. At the rate we're going, gonna hit those "best used by" and "expiration dates. As if we care. If it's a 16 ounce glass, it gets about an inch. With the ice.
I hate the aftertaste of those artificial sweeteners. But those flavored "ICE" ones are okay, Carbonated. No caffiene. Zero sugar. Calories 5 in 17 ounces (must be the fruit juice. Weird bottle - too tall & narrow, tips easiely, too narrow for cup holders, so I'm always replacing the cap. Makes me drink slower, anyway.
I think it must be scaralose we use in baking instead of sugar. There you can't tell.
My dentist has a ZipLock bag on display with about a quarter cup of sugar - the amount of one can of soda. (Pop for all southerners - or is it midwesterners? or west coasters? I forget.
We're from Michigan, so Vernor's ginger ale is required, once in a while. What can I say?