Video Urodynamics study, anybody had one did it help/change your diagnosis?


Staff member
finally got to see the specialist urologist yesterday that deals with neurogenic bladder and voiding dysfunctions. Highly impressed with him so far, asked a ton of questions and seemed very interested in "my curious case". he is not impressed with my general urologists conclusion of "here's some catheters, have a nice nice day".

Well, he finds there are conflicting results in my tests and want to more testing. Specifically wants to redo my urodynamic study but with video this time. Fine, i guess but looking online I see mixed results of if it offered anymore information and they claim it can take TWICE as long to do. So that means almost 3 hours of standing there with all this stuff stuck in me? 1-1/2 was bad enough.

I'm probably going to do this because he thinks I may be able to stop or at least only occasionally use the catheters, since my PVR "is not really crazy". As long as there is no real danger to my kidneys or chance of more UTI's I'm liking that.

Anybody had the video and did it offer anything more than the standard urodynamic study? How long was the thing.?

I have not had the procedure with video, but I've had the one without. Is there any chance this new urologist will allow you to be sedated during the procedure with video? I had that during a procedure and was still awake enough to do as told and the pain was more manageable.
So it always depends on what exactly you want to examine and see. The filling rate is decisive for the duration of the examination. If you want to examine an overactive bladder, for example, you can only work with physiological - i.e. relatively low - filling rates. If you are looking at a flaccid bladder or want to examine the coordination of the lower and upper sphincter or the bladder neck without an OAB problem, you can also fill faster. The same applies if you want to do a reflux cystography.

It is unlikely that you will actually have to stand for 3 hours. Normally, urodynamics are performed in a sitting or lying position. There is also the variant where the X-ray is done separately. In this case, the normal urodynamics are done first and then your bladder is filled with contrast medium again and you pee into a cup while standing while X-rays are taken.

For me, it took maybe 1.5 hours all together.
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