very big sore


Staff member
Hi all. I rarely start a new topic. I know there have been many posts here about how to *prevent* diaper rash. It is only a problem for me 1-2x a year for a couple of days, and then Neosporin usually clears it up for me. But when I recently had the flu for 2.5 weeks and slept all day and night, I had to wear a diaper 24/7 (can usually get away with only use one at night when I sleep), and I got a bad diaper rash. I don't usually have to use any kind of barrier cream. But now this has become wayyyyyyy beyond a rash or little fissures, this is 2" wide and 5" long of open wound and raw flesh on each leg. I tried airing things out but it's not helping. This is a horrible part of the body to have this kind of wound because the skin always touches. I tried to get in on emergency to see my dermatologist, who I trust more than any of my other doctors, but he has no appointments until Monday. I am *not* keen to go to urgent care, given that those places are overrun with people with COVID, yet that is what he said to do. Does anybody know what I can do? I have tons of prescriptions of creams from previous dermatological stuff, does anyone know what to use or how to possible bandage something like this? I have high-content silver cream from when I had a third-degree burn; thoughts? What have your physicians recommended in the past? And no, this is not going to be fixed by Desitin, as it is a large, red, raw, open would - I have no top layer of skin at this time.

I have MRSA, so this is dangerous.

Please help; thank you!
P.S. Neosporin has not helped at all. Neither has wearing nothing but a skirt or dress on the bottom.
This sounds like a bed sore (I know it's not, but it sounds similar) and that can be very serious and next to impossible to get ahead of, so I would suggest you do have it looked at by a doctor, sooner, rather than later. You'll be glad that you did.
Snow that's horrible. But I'm glad you spoke up.

it's an emergency enough that I would attempt to keep it in open air tonight use diaper scrunched away or a pad go to sit on the actual door of the dermatologist when they open at 8 am and say it's an emergency squeeze me in.

First check the website for his office hours and that he is at that office location for tomorrow in case he has multiple sites

If you are on a different time zone and the office is open right now go camp on his office before
Closing tonight and again say it's an emergency

I would put a mask on and get to the ER/ED right away. My sister almost died because some jackass did not take an MRSA infection seriously when she was in the army (That dude is in military prison) She almost died from it and ended up with a huge scar from it. MRSA is no joke. I would go right away.
I’m allergic to penicillin, every time I have a surgery or get an infection requiring antibiotics I get terrible sores. It turns out to be a type of yeast infection, but it looks and feels like a flesh eating disease / burn. My Dermatologist recommended using an OTC Monostat type cream the first time. The OTC stuff knocks it down, but there is a 1 dose Fluconazole prescription pill that always puts out the fire….
Hope you’re feeling better soon
Thank you so much everyone. You are right; MRSA isn't to be messed with. Neither is a serious wound. If I had to describe of this, I would say flesh-eating. I measured and photographed it this morning and now it's worse, so I will chance getting COVID and go to urgent care tonight. I think you've given me the advice I would have given one of you, also. I will let you know what they say. I would love if it's yeast and oral Flucanazole can help. I respond well to that.
I *was* on an antibiotic for the bronchitis complication during the flu (totally lost my voice, cough, et al.) so maybe it did cause a yeast problem.
Hey you WILL let us the outcome right?!

And by the way I'm sorry to learn you just had a flu you Ave had so much medical for yourself and your loved ones.
Hi @snow, I know I joined here kind of late but please do see a doctor ASAP!!! And I agree with Maymay to call your dermatologist first thing in the morning and tell them this is an emergency and explain your MRSA circumstances and that you need to see someone pronto!!!
If you do go to urgent care, do plan to see the dermatologist ASAP as urgent care will probably tell you to follow up anyway.
Do you have sterile gauze you can put over the site??? You don't want it rubbing on anything if you can help it.
And please let us know how it turns out.
I hope you can get on top of this and will be on the road to recovery as soon as you read this!!!
Snow, I am so sorry for you but as a retired nurse, try to stress to the nurse at your dermatologist office, not a receptionist. Insist to speak to a medical person that this is very urgent. They can bring you in tomorrow. You can’t wait till Monday. Be insistent. This is a bad situation. Nurses won’t look at the appointment book, they will talk to the doctor. Keep us up to date.
I am sorry you're going thru this. Get it looked at IMMEDIATELY. Back in October of last year, I got cellulitis, which turned I to sepsis. My whole body started to shut down; kidneys, heart. Lungs,bladder, bowels. I nearly died. Massive doses of IV antibiotics, and a three week stay in the hospital.Every thing in my body except for kidneys recovered. I am now on dialysis, 3 days a week, 4 hours a day. Not to scare you, but please get it looked at ASAP. I also spent nearly 3 weeks in a rehab center. I had to learn how to walk again. Now doing outpatient rehab twice a week. Walking much better now using a walker or cane. Just started driving this week, short distances. I can walk short distances without cane or walker. Legs and knees still a little weak, but slowly progressing. Been off work since early October. Hope to go back in early March. Open sores need attention NOW. Good luck. Praying you'll recover so you don't go thru what I did.
SNOW - About every three months I get a bowel upset and wind up with a raw butt. My gynecologist told me to slather on Vaseline and use a water spray instead of wiping. It clears up within a few days.
I'm really sorry your having to deal with this I also think you need to speak to a doctor A.S.A.P also need more antibiotics to clear the infection
Hi @snow, It's Friday morning and I hope you get to your dermatologist TODAY! I agree with the advice here to call the dermatology office and insist on speaking to a nurse. This won't wait until next week.
That said, I hope you went to a walk in clinic and got some relief last night and that you were more comfortable overnight.
But please make seeing the dermatologist your number one priority today.
Wishing you the best for you and that by the end of the day you are getting real relief and will start to heal!
So sorry, I had something like this bad once, it was yeast thing for me, probably same for you if it is still spreading (or something else). I feel for you! Doctor time for sure.
For you and others down the road once healed - there is an amazing product to prevent the initial irritation that turns into something bigger like this. I promised I would never go through this again and when healing I kept have recurrence until I found this - CAVILON (its a 3M product).The spray is best, not cheap but the best barrier I have found. I get mine on Amazon - total game changer. Since using I literally have had zero issues (and I am 24/7 and bowel/bladder)

I do hope you find quick resolution! Feel better...
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