The Urologist uses the Flexible Cystoscope to look inside your bladder to check for tumors and you can look at your bladder on the monitor screen as he’s moving the Cystoscope around. This procedure is known as “ Cysto’s.” I get Cysto’s done once a quarter, four times a year or 88 of them in 22 years (22 bladder surgeries in 22 years, 74 doses of chemo).
After I had the Prostatectomy done two years ago, my Urologist made an appointment for me to have a Urodynamic Test done, to see if my bladder would be a good candidate for either the Urinary Sling or the Artificial Urinary Sphincter (AUS). As it turned out, I did not do very well on the Urodynamic Test, in that my bladder could not sustain or hold very much liquid. Needless to say, urinary incontinence was severe and I was not a good candidate for the Sling. I am a good candidate for the AUS but I am not ready to have the surgery done just yet and have canceled on two occasions. Phil