Urologic testing????


Staff member
I'm a 20 year old guy. I recently was referred to a urologist for night time Incontinence.... The urologist spoke with me for about 5 minutes the first appointment ( he never examined me at all)... He said he would set up some tests including; a flexible cystoscopy, a urodynamic test, and a bladder ultrasound. I'm lost as to what to expect.... Can anyone share what their experience was with any of these procedures???
@Jackjack Firstly don't worry. No one likes medical tests, but they are usually over quickly and the staff will look after you. The bladder scan only takes a couple of minutes and is to check how much is left after you have had a pee. Flexible cystoscopy sounds scary, but is over in a few minutes. PM me if you want to know the details. Urodynamics is probably the least pleasant of the tests, again ask if you want to know more, cheers Phil
I started with urodynamics and did not have the flexible cystoscopy. It was uncomfortable, but not unbearable. They basically filled my bladder and had me describe the experience and rate it in terms of "when I would leave a line" if I was waiting to purchase something. They also measured flow and other metrics from a pressure catheter that goes where the sun doesn't shine. Mine was inconclusive.

I told my wife I understood what a woman goes through.
@Jackjack good luck! I hope you get some answers.

I understand your frustration with that initial consult. The first urologist I went through basically asked me if, when urinating, I finished at the same time as someone my age. He said to come back if I still had issues and he would "run a scope up there".
The Urologist uses the Flexible Cystoscope to look inside your bladder to check for tumors and you can look at your bladder on the monitor screen as he’s moving the Cystoscope around. This procedure is known as “ Cysto’s.” I get Cysto’s done once a quarter, four times a year or 88 of them in 22 years (22 bladder surgeries in 22 years, 74 doses of chemo).

After I had the Prostatectomy done two years ago, my Urologist made an appointment for me to have a Urodynamic Test done, to see if my bladder would be a good candidate for either the Urinary Sling or the Artificial Urinary Sphincter (AUS). As it turned out, I did not do very well on the Urodynamic Test, in that my bladder could not sustain or hold very much liquid. Needless to say, urinary incontinence was severe and I was not a good candidate for the Sling. I am a good candidate for the AUS but I am not ready to have the surgery done just yet and have canceled on two occasions. Phil
I have been through all those tests twice in the past 6 months. The scope I felt was the most uncomfortable. The Urodynamic testing may have you urinating in front of others which could feel awkward. Best of luck and I hope they can help you.
@Jackjack Please bring along a pad and new shorts or pants as you will need it after the test. I had a bad experience as after the test within 10 minutes I could not control the flow of urine and everywhere I go I leave behind a trail of urine and was quite embarrassing as I do not have a pad or spare trousers with me.

Best Regards
@peterx3t did you experience leakage beforehand? Just curious, I did not. I remember leaking on the hospital gown directly after urodynamics and xrays, but not in my pants when the tests were over.
lorumipsum said:
@peterx3t did you experience leakage beforehand? Just curious, I did not. I remember leaking on the hospital gown directly after urodynamics and xrays, but not in my pants when the tests were over.
I had on a depend men’s pull-up and a depend men’s guard resting inside as a backup pad. ( I just remove a little piece of the wrapper to expose just a little of the adhesive strip at the top of the guard so it stays in one spot . You can toss it if it gets wet and then still have dry underwear without it tearing the top liner).
As soon as I bent over and started to pull the underwear up a saturated the guard pad. Guess they added a bunch of water in my bladder during the cystoscope. Bladder does look very interesting and you can see the urine as it’s entering the bladder from the kidneys. And the journey from the bladder past the muscles, prostate and urethra. Was fascinating. The last time I had it done I couldn’t see.
Hi Phil, hope they can find a fix. I have a bunch of options. I did learn the new battery in the interesting is supposed to last up to 15 years so that’s a plus. We are trying Merbetrik? As a switch from the oxybutinin and I hope that helps. He said it takes about a week to work effectively. Next stop is bladder Botox to get my frown lines smoothed out...😂
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