
@Allan_59 You took the words out of my mouth, I also wanted to give a comment in exactly the same direction but failed expressing this so well and kind as you did - English is not my mother language.I would have never written my concerns against religion so expressive as snow did, but there might be a (forums) history behind it which I don't know and which I don't need to know.

As you said, I also think incontinence belongs in this forum and religion in other forums.
English is not the issue now it's taking a battle stance on a thread that is not mine or yours.
Please open a new thread for your discussion on how good will to others here can be expressed in your opinion.
The OP doesn't need to have his post hijacked so well meaning people can beat each other up on their personal issues.

But of course that is only my opinion.
@Maymay941 I agree with you!

Someone is obviously hurting and has come here for help. we are all here because we are frustrated by the lack of answers from our doctors. @ExploringResources please talk to a therapist who can help you deal with your feelings. I am confident no one who loves you sees you as a burden. Keep pushing for answers (from other doctors) if you have to. Life has changed for all of us. You have to find the happiness in how things are now. Please ask us how we can help!!

ExploringResources said:
I haven’t been on the site or posted in awhile. I’ve been having a rough go at it for the last year.

I got deeper into the process of testing. The urologist could tell me it’s happening, I’m wetting myself and having bladder spasms, but not why.

I moved on to a neurologist and based on the testing, they are saying I have demyelination and CIS, and it appears I am on the path to MS.

Before all of this everything in life seemed so great, but now it’s been 2 years of spiraling.

I am definitely a burden and it sucks.
iuwogeo said:

I know not all here are, maybe not even yourself, but I am a Christian (Catholic) and believe in the sanctity of life, from conception until natural death. Based on that, you are NOT a burden. I know it is easy to feel like that, but imo, God makes us who we are and won't give us more than we can handle. He also uses life to shape us and if we use life experiences and allow them to mold and transform us into who we are meant to be, then even the sufferings we go through can be for our good, especially if united to His suffering during His passion and crucifixion, then even experiences can be for good.

In any case, we all go through things in life, especially as we get older. The things we go through don't make us a burden, but allow others an opportunity to be there for us and 'give back' or 'pay it forward', as at some point, we all need help!

Just my opinion and it's probably worth less than 2 cents, but for what it's worth! He is with you through it all and that can be a great consolation, if you allow it to be... Pray through it all and do what you can do and let Him handle the rest. The old saying is, “pray as if everything depends on God, and work as if everything depends on you.”

I know it is easy to get down, get depressed and wish things were different, but... don't lose hope! God has GOT you! Things will get better... one way or another. I always pray not for a specific thing, but that God will make things better and leave the HOW and WHEN up to Him...it will only be in His time and He usually has a better solution than I have anyhow!

Just didn't like reading that you felt like a burden...that really bothered me. This may just be your time to need help and others time to help. They will all need help at some point... You should help others when you can. To me, that is what being a Christian is and what life is all about!

God already knows our needs, yet He expects us to ask. He wants us to pray. When we put our needs into words, we put our needs into His hands. We let go. We trust. God not only hears our requests, He promises to answer them — in His perfect timing, in His perfect way. Jesus tells us, "Your Father knows what you need before you ask him" (Matthew 6:8b), then reminds us, "Ask and it will be given to you" (Matthew 7:7a).

James 5:16b, "The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective." (NIV)
Romans 12:12, "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." (NIV)

Not sure how I would have gotten through all the negative times in my life (and there have been plenty) without my faith and my HOPE in Jesus Christ. I think without Him, I would surely despair...

Hope some of this helped!

@All who care to read...only those people.
Phil. 4:6 is a great verse. My mother (in Heaven) is 126 and I have her Bible. She killed a rattlesnake in our kitchen one morning. She taught me the reality of prayer. In her later years, she had her bladder tacked up and was sent home to recover. In much pain, she began to pace back and forth in the hallway, crying out to God for help. After a few trips back and forth in the hall, suddenly the pain was gone and she was endowed with a much higher level of physical strength. She was overjoyed for the answer to prayer. Shall I send a message to my mother and tell her this did not happen or that it never happens to people on the earth? No need to pray? I am praying for God to heal my incontinence if it is His will. (1 John 5:14,15)
@Klew11, @Maymay941: I agree with your posts and excuse myself for being part of "hijacking" a post where ExploringResources originally very seriously asked for support. I'd have never come back to that "religion topic" but with the posts of Jeff and Dan are going - ignoring your very valid reminder - again deep into "religious support" I can't keep my fingers calm.

In my opinion RELIGION HAS NOTHING TO SAY IN A MEDICAL FORUM!!!! OK, for some people believing in something may help in a psychological way for a healing process or might give good and appreciated support in accepting and living with a condition, but proclaiming that a prayer can heal physically might be - sorry - in my eyes nearly a crime. Just imagine, someone in a medical forum claiming about pain and gets as support to pray certain prayers, weeks later that person is dead of (unrecognized and untreated) cancer - would you say "sorry, but then it was god's will that you had to leave..."?!?!

I really try to keep my respect to everyone who truly believes in his god and who tries to live according his religious rules, but please, please keep that in private - in my (and many other) eyes this is only a certain kind of lifestyle for which you have every right to live and fulfill, but which at least should not be promoted in a medical forum.
Hbic60 said:
In my opinion RELIGION HAS NOTHING TO SAY IN A MEDICAL FORUM!!!! OK, for some people believing in something may help in a psychological way for a healing process or might give good and appreciated support in accepting and living with a condition, but proclaiming that a prayer can heal physically might be - sorry - in my eyes nearly a crime. Just imagine, someone in a medical forum claiming about pain and gets as support to pray certain prayers, weeks later that person is dead of (unrecognized and untreated) cancer - would you say "sorry, but then it was god's will that you had to leave..."?!?!

That's a strawman. You've wonderfully demolished the idea of faith healing instead of medicine, which nobody here is advocating.

Hbic60 said:
I really try to keep my respect to everyone who truly believes in his god and who tries to live according his religious rules, but please, please keep that in private - in my (and many other) eyes this is only a certain kind of lifestyle for which you have every right to live and fulfill, but which at least should not be promoted in a medical forum.

How, is posting something about one's own beliefs "promoting?" If I mention that I ride a bicycle, would you claim that I'm promoting physical fitness instead of traditional medicine? If I post that I get a lot of support from my wife, would you say that I'm pushing a Western-style, monogamous, heterosexual lifestyle? Of course you wouldn't - those would be absurd. Yet several posters here have made that basic argument against any posts that make any reference to religion. Posting about something that helps me is not promoting it, nor is it shoving it down someone else's throat. Let us please not give in to hyperbole.

In general, sharing one's own opinions, views, and experiences does not infringe upon the rights of others. However, demanding that others refrain from posting their opinions, views, and experiences because they do not align with your own does. One is the epitome of civil discourse; the other is shouting down other people in order to suppress their viewpoints, which is quite the opposite of the respect you claim to try for.
Itapilot, you wrote,

In general, sharing one's own opinions, views, and experiences does not infringe upon the rights of others. However, demanding that others refrain from posting their opinions, views, and experiences because they do not align with your own does. One is the epitome of civil discourse; the other is shouting down other people in order to suppress their viewpoints, which is quite the opposite of the respect you claim to try for.

I WAS going to stay out of this one, but even though I don't really have the time to wade in, I have to say that you've nailed it. When someone does (exactly) what you've said here- shouting down other people in order to suppress their viewpoints- I believe it IS time to step in. This is not the first time this has happened- with this individual, and I think it is time that the admin cleans house here. This is a SUPPORT forum, and some people need to FIGURE THIS OUT. If anyone here is intent on silencing the voices of those with whom they disagree, then perhaps they shouldn't be here. Think back a year or so- another female who wasn't hearing (reading) ONLY what she wanted, stormed out and hasn't been heard from since (here, anyway). Until now, it has been a better forum. Many people here- myself included- have a true and deep faith and it has helped us to deal with a life problem that others aren't dealing with in any other, more effective manner. If the dissenting voices here aren't willing to be censored in everything they post, then they shouldn't be trying to do the same to the rest of us.
@Hbic60 @Allan_59 Please do as I did and flag the religious posts above for inappropriate content so the administrators will know what’s going on and who is being repeatedly attacked here.

I have lost all respect for you.

Your view is completely twisted and you are trying to turn the whole issue on its head.

It is the religious God-fearing members that are being attacked and trying to be silenced for sharing their own beliefs and opinions that may (or may not) help others.

No one is attacking you, forcing anything on you or promoting anything - only giving witness to what has helped them, and again, may help others. You can take it or leave it, but why you and others seem hell-bent on censoring others free speech in a public forum is beyond me. What you are doing is un-American. Like it or not, this country was founded on freedom of expression and as One Nation UNDER God!

Maybe what is needed here are different groups for Believers and non-believers to go along w/ the gender-specific ones. Then you and others won't be offended and we can give credit to the One whom it rightfully belongs!

Please to anyone with the NAFC,

May we all get along whether we are believers or not. For we share mostly the same bladder condition symptoms and this site has been a refuge for myself and many others who struggle with bladder control problems - I don't want to see something as trivial as Religion be the end of something good.

I appreciate you all -

OK, we've aired out some differences and learned about some tender spots. We still have the common issue of continence vs incontinence before us. If anyone has some good ideas that have worked for you in keeping dry I am interested in reading what you have to say. Thank you. Dan Carr
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