Update. Rant/old post update.

Sorry, I goofed up. We made a sizable payment and assumed the principle left on the mortgage. The mortgage company was set to put the house on the market and had employed a man to paint the inside. We soon refinanced and began remodeling. We had intended to flip the house but circumstances changed for us. This has been a wonderful place to raise several grandchildren, take in homeless persons and entertain lots of friends.

The previous owners were military with two young boys. They divorced and consequently weren't able to make payments. This was sad in itself but then about a year later while we were landscaping our front yard the youngest boy of that family came riding by on his bicycle. He stopped when he saw me and asked, "Do you live here?" I said yes. He smiled and said, "I used to live here. My dad said that he is going to buy it again."

I have lived here 31 years now. Who knows? Maybe after my demise this young man may be the new owner?
A bit of an update.

I looked at the paperwork that I was sited with. The original credit card company sold the dept. to a debt collection agency that has a lot of bad press. I checked my phone/email/messaging records and I have nothing sent to me.

The only thing that I have is the letter that the law firm sent me that was very veg and not right at all. Dept. is too high compared to what my limit was/ Payment is 10 times what it was when I made the last payment in November 2018/my account from the credit card company is locked.

My dad talked to his lawyer for me today as he has an eviction to do tomorrow (Parents are landlords), His lawyer said that it is almost impossible for them to do anything to me due to my current status.

That does not mean that I will win the case but rather that I have no way to pay the debt. so the only thing that should be able to happen is they can put the dept into my public record. If the can sheriff sale me, it would only be if the total value of things that I own that are allowed to be sheriff sales equals a percentage of the debt that I owe. The lawyer thinks that it is like 45%.

I am going to go to the courthouse tomorrow because I have the go uptown anyway to file stuff with social security. So I hope to get some answers.
ThatFLGuy - Could that letter from a "layer" be a scam? My granddaughter got a letter ostensibly from the IRS with official looking letterhead urging her to call a phone number within 30 days. I asked her what it was about, she said it's a scam. None of the information in the letter is accurate.She said anytime "they" give you an "urgent" date you can believe it's a scam.

Not in this case. A cop came to my apartment and served me the paperwork but it only states that I have to respond, not the actual court date. So I have to go to the courthouse and say that I want a hearing and then they'll have to set a date. Big issue for them is that they have a lot of messed up information on the filing and they have been sued for harassing people a lot like last year alone they were sued for like tens of millions of dollars so they have a lot to say about that but I'll just have to check into it and figure out what they can or cannot do when I get to the courthouse.
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