TURP help with incontinence?


Staff member
I have an enlarged prostate and suspect that intermittent enuresis is due to this fact. Wondering if men who had this procedure found this helpful in this regard.
I had TURP and it helped me sleep better at night, I didn't wake up as often and go to the bathroom. I didn't really have incontinence then. Later I had RP and wish I didn't have TURP surgery, my urologist says due to TURP my incontinence will push back healing by 6-12 months.
Thanks for your comment! I apologize, I should know but I don't know RP is. Can you fill this out a bit for me?
RP is the procedure where they remove your prostate. I also had the TURP and later found out I had prostate cancer and had an RP. The TURP made my RP surgery more complicated so beware.
I had a TURP for urinary retention and it helped with that but I still OAB issues and use two pads a day so I still have incontinence issues. The Urologist basically told me to wait a year to see what will happen and we will call you, that was two years ago and I am still waiting. This was through the Ann Arbor VA so I am not surprised about not getting a call back....
Thanks for the update, and filling in some of the blanks. I am sorry that your procedure was not helpful and that you still have OAB issues. Again, that for your feedback. It was helpful
Thank you for filling me in. I hope you are in recovery, and that all of that is behind you. Thanks too for your patience in defining the meaning of RP. I should have known. Thank you for your patience, and once again, for your sharing your experience that I may benefit from what you learned. Have a blessed day.
I was a normal guy outside of getting up 3 time a night to pee. But had no incontinence. My urologist said I needed a TURP and that there would be minor leaking for a week or so afterwards. That was in JAN 2021. Upon having the turp done my urologist accidentally sliced into my bladder spilling it's contents into my abdomen and he also knicked my sphincter by my bladder in the eurethra. I have been heavily incontinent ever since. I fired him and went to a new urologist that told me they have robotics that perform the TURPs and that it was too bad I went through the severe suffering I went through for a couple of months later due to pain, and ongoing incontinence. I learned this....get a second or even third opinion before any surgery. And be sure to read reviews on doctors. I feel as though I lost my manhood because of that one doctor and am going to pay the price probably till my dying day. There are good doctors out there I do believe, just take the time and do the research first. Don't be a trusting fool like I was. I wish you the best, I really do.
I had symptoms and a rising PSA.
biopsy came back clean
still have symptoms.
74 and in a holding pattern.
Thanks 1reginald57. I am really sorry for what you had to go through, and what you are now still experiencing. Wow, that is terrible! Thanks for sharing you expertise. I do not even know if TURP is the way to go for me, as I have no problems during the day, regarding incontinence, only when I go to bed (and that is spotty - i.e, does not always result in an "accident"). I was think that the TURP would take care of my problem, but given some of the responses I have received, I think I may be going at it the wrong way. Thanks again for your important feedback. I have been forwarned.
It helps, but only if you are retaining urine. There are several downsides... You have to relearn how to hold it once you fill your bladder to the point of needing to urinate, which took me about 6 months. Secondly, if you are at the age of still wanting to produce offspring, you lose that ability. Thirdly, there are no guarantees that you will need to self-cath to make sure the urethra is not going to close off again - in my case, I never got to that point. I'm just letting you know from my experience that the solution is not mean you will be totally healed.
And for the 1-2 knockout punch, you may still eventually have future issues arise... I just found out that I have prostate cancer after further testing because the prostate enlarged again; finding this out 13 months after my initial procedure.
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