Bulkamid Treatment

I had my RP 16 months ago, and asked about Bulkamid about 5 months ago when I was in a dark place with leaking. My urologist told me no way was it suitable for me as I wasn't that bad.
I'm happy to say I am 99% leak free these days. Sometimes 100% and I don't even think about it anymore. Even sneezing, running lifting etc doesn't cause it now.
Yeh I'm lucky, I know, and very greatful. It is so sad reading these posts and what many go through. I want to let people know it's possible to beat this.

But for what it's worth, I did Kegals 4 months prior to my operation 3 times a day, every day.
2 months ago I bought a Kegalhard device so I let that do the kegals now :)
No cancer, no leaking and now no ED.
Stay strong guys/girls.
@993man What was your leakage at 11 months (5 months prior to your current 99% dry at 16 months)? When did you become 99% dry? How effective was the Kegel Hard stimulation device vs kegels exercises? This device requires placement of adhesive pads in different locations of the lower abdomen which supplies the electric stimuli. Did this really work? Thanks.
I was really bad for about 2 months then it gradually improved albeit slowly. It was still pretty aweful though.
At 11 months I was still having the odd leakage but not to the point I really needed a pad.
Late afternoon I would still get some stress incontinence after being on my feel all day, but that's pretty much a thing of the past thankfully.

I became 99% dry after I gave up coffee with caffine, and at the same time I bought the Kegalhard device.
I was prepared to try anything.
It's not an endorsement but between the two I am really good now. For the small cost I reckon you should try one. It worked for me.

My regime is now to exercise 3 times a week, where I jog or walk for 30 minutes. I also do manual Kegels once a day, sometimes twice even though they say I dont need to. And I used the device daily for 2 months and now it's every 2 or 3 days.
Everyone is different, but men go through sheer hell with this disease and the after affects.
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