TSA disabilities card

That's a good way to be pro-active! Head 'em off at the pass before the inspectors get the chance to embarrass innocent passengers passing through their portals.
Have you had experiences (good or bad) with using this card??
This weekend I was brought into a private room in the Boston airport and unceremoniously felt up by a TSA agent because my pad set off the alert on the security scan.!I was pissed! No pun intended!
Not good at all, @04Terps1975! Did you have that card or any other official documentation that you need pads for medical reasons??
I have gone through numerous TSA screenings both in the US and Europe wearing a Depends pull up. I try to change just before going through so it is relatively dry, but I have never had an issue.
I was not stopped on my way to Boston, but was stopped on my way back from Boston. The 30 something agents seem completely ignorant of incontinence. I’m not sure they even knew what the word meant.
I was patted down front and back a week ago on my way to Cancun. The TSA rep told me I can get a medical excuse through them so they won’t need to pat me down in the future.
Those 30-something TSA'ers need to get a few years more growth on them and then they'll likely know first-hand what the word incontinence means and all of the ramifications thereof!!! Karma has a way of jumping up and biting you-know-where!!!😄
Kathylp: Yeah, right. TSA ignored the card physicians gave out when you got a Total Knee Replacement. That metal in your knee was obviously an AK47. The two screws in my hand were the ammo.
I'll admit they never used that as an excuse to examine my crotch. They did that when they were transitioning to new scanners- provided an excellent chance to "feel you up".
Gee, @AlasSouth, you haven't heard of the model AK47 that's compact enough to hide behind your knee????😁😁😁 Apparently TSA knows something that we don't know!!!!
I have printed out this card and carried it when I was flying. I put that I was "Enuretic (bedwetting)" and that I wore adult protection in case I wet. I wear a depends Realfit under my boxers when flying just in case I fall asleep and have an accident in my sleep. Chances are very low that it would happened but I'd much rather take the extra steps just in case I wet then have to deal with wetting myself on a plane.

My Realfit is always dry when going through TSA check and I have never had an issue but I have heard that if your protection is wet there is a higher chance that the x-ray machine will pick up an anomaly that they are required to check on.

I got stopped going through a body scanner in Amsterdam a couple of years ago in what became one of the most embarrassing and traumatic experiences of my life. I had a pull-up on that was dry but somehow it still set off the scanner. The security officer "felt me up" and then asked if I was "wearing a diaper". When I told him that I had a bladder problem he said that he needed to "see the diaper" and that I should walk with him and follow "his colleague". At that moment a huge guy appeared who led both of us about 100 yards down the security area and into a small brightly lit room. The "huge guy" left leaving me with the security officer who directed me to stand facing him inside a circle painted on the floor. I was first told to lower my pants to the floor. After complying I was directed to hold my shirt up and then to turn around. When I turned I noticed a full length mirror on the wall and seeing my reflection wearing a pull-up with my pants at my ankles really added to my embarrassment. After a few seconds he said I could get dressed and he led me back to the security area where my wife was waiting. I got my bag and left as quickly as possible.
And never to return to Amsterdam, ever, I'd bet!
That ordeal there was completely unnecessary and totally unwarranted. You're wearing a dry pull-up and made to feel like a criminal?? Ridiculous!!! What if you had used it??? Would you have been rushed to jail??? That whole incident seems way out of bounds and beyond anything resembling reasonable!
Were you able to file a complaint?? Or at least get an apology??? If I came from Amsterdam and knew this was the way they acted in my city I would be totally embarrassed!
I actually did contact the people responsible for security at the airport. Someone wrote back, asked for more detail on where in the airport and time of occurrence. They promised a full investigation and a response after completion. Never heard from anyone.
I was considering something like this last month when I flew. I was trying to keep my wife in the dark because she thought I was being silly wearing a diaper on the plane. She found out anyway after the first few minutes of walking and was perplexed on how in the heck I put it on without her knowing.

Anyway, I went without it. I ran through the machine with my arms up preparing to get pulled aside... and it didn't happen. Got to go straight through. Unsure if it was because it showed up as anomaly or they were just slammed. I was pretty relieved!
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