Too Comfortable?


Staff member
I have been back in diapers for approximately 12 years full time. I can still remember how hard it was at first as I hated having to wear and felt like less of a man. Now 12 years later I am comfortable with wearing and am no longer self conscious about wearing in public or worry about them being noticed. I am wondering if I have to accept it to much though....

The other day I got off work, stopped at a stop and rob for a burrito then about 20 minutes into my 1.5 hour commute my stomach went south. My drive is through a lot of open farmland with no towns near by (nearest town with restroom was a good 50 minutes down the road). After a few minutes of stomach cramps I thought to myself I should just let it go, I can shower as soon as I got home.

Thinking this made me reflect was I getting to comfortable wearing diapers or was it the logical choice given the situation. First time I have thought of using them consciously or on purpose.
Picture yourself without diapers and do what you would do in that circumstance.
Be aa clean and respectful of the environment and anyone people you are around as you can.
Respect starts with self respect.

But no, I don't think you did wrong and it did cause you to reflect so thats a good thing.
Hi, and please don't take this in any wrong way: if you use diapers for urinary incontinence, you have a very good reason to do so. You literally cannot function otherwise.

Using them for bowel movements as a matter of convenience is a different story, in my opinion. There's the hygiene aspect (plus associated smells), and there's also the 'dignity' side -- I will not go down without a fight.

Personally I think we should not give away more to our health issues than what is absolutely necessary.

Again, I hope you don't take this the wrong way. Ultimately it's your decision and yours alone, and you know best what's working for you.
Personally I think you did the right thing, unless you're trying to get out of diapers. Diapers are supposed to hold when you need to go. If you did hold it in, you could be making it worse. You said yourself you'd shower when you got home so I don't see any issues with that :)
@MarineJohn , same thing here. At first it seems strange having to wear diapers, but over time one adapts to them as they are a very important tool in helping people have a good life and manage a medical condition. Same thing happened to me a while back while driving interstate in the middle of no where, was coming back from southern California on I-15 and had a bowel flare up and went involuntarily in my diaper in the middle of the night and that stretch of road passing VictorVille Ca is just open desert.
You did the right thing. I don't think you had a choice. I've had a few similar incidents when I couldn't hold it. But having a bowel movement in your diaper can cause all sorts of skin issues. So, you should avoid it under normal circumstances, if at all possible.
Rather have it be in a diaper than all over my clothes and car seat. I’ve scrubbed our car seats enough the last few years...
Hi @MarineJohn, you gotta do what you gotta do! And when the chips are down then it's any port in a storm! (two clichés in one sentence! Sorry!) But I think you see what I mean! I mean it's better than driving for another 50 miles in complete agony!
Olney, you can answer that question. I problem doon the same thing after all that is what the diaper is fore.
Same initial feeling when I went 24/7. Have worn at night my whole life but after struggling with daytime leaking issues I went full time 15 years ago. I also have no concern regarding my diapers. I don’t announce using them but don’t hide from it either.
I was both bowel & bladder incontinent for about 2 years after my accident and I quickly figured out the bladder stuff was nothing compared to my bowels letting loose at the worst possible moment! After 25+ years Im still 100% bladder incontinent and have the occasional bowel incident, most often while sleeping. My biggest concerns have always been the people around me and not wanting to subject them to the smell. When you take President Lyndon Johnson out of the picture (he would often hold meetings with people he didn’t like while sitting on the pot, taking care of important business!), most of us would prefer not to expose those around us to unpleasant smells of any kind.
The Docs & Shrinks long ago drilled into my head, a diaper is a pretty simple tool and doesn’t really give a crap what you put in it! Your already wearing a diaper and we all know the myriad of sacrifices we make that go along with this. Maybe it’s just my personal history, but I just don’t see any problem with using it at times like you describe. You’re not hurting or disturbing anyone else (If you are while alone in your car on the freeway as stated) you just might want to see your Doctor! Otherwise I’d say carry on Soldier!
Thank you for your service, I’m sure Chesty Puller is smiling down on you!
I am not sure why you are letting people criticize what you did. Given the same circumstances, who here would not have done what you did? Have faith that you are making the right decisions and be comfortable with what you decide.
That's what diapers are for, they are simply just a tool that allow us get on with our daily living. They are designed to contain anything until one has the opportunity to change into a clean one. It is true, once its soiled it is best to clean up quickly because bowel acid can cause a very bad rash.
@MarineJohn Been there and got the T shirt. I had the same feelings and thought like Maymay did and thankfully my car and clothes were saved as a result from wearing. Sometimes you just cannot hold it in. Don't beat yourself up, dust yourself off and move on. Have a happy Christmas everyone.
All it takes is a certain food and Uh oh!, the digestive tract says i'm getting you outta here like right this instant. You did the right thing, dont feel bad about it. The alternative scenario would have ruined your car seat and required a MAJOR steam cleaning. Ive been in diapers full time for about 8 years now and all I can say is they are a Godsend. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE MARINEJOHN.
Hi @LiveLifeJR, you're right, the digestive tract and your bladder are your ultimate bosses!! Do what they say or else!!!! :O
I will admit most people I know my age have multiple health issues they deal with. Mid 60s and every guy I know when the topic comes up are all on one or more types of medication for a myriad of problems. Back pain, joint replacements, diabetes, high blood pressure, prostate cancer, etc.etc.etc.I have annual physicals, am extremely healthy, and take zero meds. For anything. My only issue is a neurogenic bladder, which I was most likely born with, and I wear diapers 24/7 for bladder incontinence. My skin is not affected, at all, by being wet at least 80% of the time. My doctor has no problem with my diapers and also says I’m lucky my skin stays unaffected by it. I am thankful this is the only issue I have to deal with. Things can always be worse.
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