Tomorrow is the day!


Staff member
Tomorrow I go see the super specialist at MUSC and I am kinda scared. He is supposed to be able to diagnose me but most of you know how that can go. My symptoms have puzzled 3 physicians so far and I wonder if I will ever find out what caused my incontinence of urine that occurred one day. No previous injury or congenital issue. After passing a kidney stone over Christmas, I wonder about my kidneys too. Wish me luck tomorrow. Ya’ll are the only ones I can really share this with cause I don’t want to put anymore stress on my husband.
Yo have our ear and unwavering support for living your best life with or without an expert diagnosis.
It's good you are not stressing your husband further. When one doesn't have this issue its hard to imagine why you can't just get to the toilet on time.
I hope your trip to Charleston turns out well and you get the answers you are looking for. Just make a list of some specific questions, with the most important question at the top of your list. As for having a kidney stone at Christmas, do mention that as well. You want to get all of the details out front as much as you can.
Wishing you the best of luck and that the people at MUSC put you at ease and then you can return home with answers to all of your questions.
Hey Dmorris,

Its so good to hear from you and thanks for the update.

Don't worry; go in prepared for the worst but hope for the best. When i first started going to the urologist - I was frustrated because I couldn't tell them what was going on with me. How does a 26 year old sit in front of a grown adult and tell them these types of things.

After a few visits and finally "letting it all out" and coming to terms with things - I started a process of self acceptance.

There are plenty of people in this world that have these issues, and know your the same person you were before, during, and after.

As you probably already know, your going to have good days - and not so good days; but I'm rooting for you. Regardless of any news, I pray you have a GOOD day tomorrow.

Treat yourself to a movie or go to the grocery store and buy yourself a treat.

These are some things people have told me here - and I can honestly say. It helped.

Hey Dmorris,

I'm sorry to be a bother. What product have you found good to use for daytime urinary incontinence?

I myself on days with heavy urge, pain and intertiment voiding; I've found Attends Classic Brief have helped me.

Best of luck tomorrow Dmorris, MUSC is an amazing place! If you are a Charleston area resident you may remember a couple of years back a drunk driver ran up on the sidewalk at 6:00 in the evening, running over and crushing a young woman just leaving work. He continued on dragging her under the car, then never once stopping to check on her, took off into traffic to try to avoid his 5th DUI. That young girl is my niece, and the incredible, caring staff at MUSC saved her life. Nothing short of a miracle really, they cared for her like she was their own….
Initially she was given the last rites, as she was so awfully injured. 2 years later she drives herself to & from her own appointments, and continues to heal a bit every day.
They will fight for you and with you and you can be confident, that you are in some of the best hands in the country at MUSC.
The only thing I might add, and I know it’s late, but if you can type up a quick health history, and list your most important questions to give to the nurse/ admin when you check in, the providers have always thank me as often they are running patient to patient without interruption and this simple act will give them pause, and helps them to personalize you and your issues especially on a first visit.
Best of luck tomorrow, can’t wait to hear how things go, so please keep us updated!
@Dmorris! I forgot to mention, even if you have to write it out make extra copies.
1) To present to the Dr. or PA. etc. when you meet face to face as often the original might not make it to your provider before you meet many times an admin will scan it into your records first.
2) Have a copy in front of you to take notes and check off your questions as you add answers.

The providers pick up on these things and will see you are serious about your health and getting answers if not cures!

Early Happy New Years everyone !
All of you have helped so much tonight. I have done some of the suggestions and feel stronger to relate my issues. I have had the second specialist tell me she had no idea what to do with me and it has been pretty much the same afterwards. Sprung87, I will have your niece’s courage, Honeeecombs, I intend to treat myself to crab legs afterwards, incontinence be damned, billiveshere, my list is made thanks to you, Maymay941, I have your hand. All of you are so wonderful and maybe I can sleep tonight it my Christmas kidney stone doesn’t have a twin. Hugs to all!!!
Well now, crab legs sounds really nice! Charleston has some great places for that. And when you are waiting to be seen and are working through all of the processes of your appointment, just think about the 🦀🦀crab legs!!! That will give you a nice goal and incentive to help you get through the appointment!
Here's wishing you the best!
Dmorris said:
All of you have helped so much tonight. I have done some of the suggestions and feel stronger to relate my issues. I have had the second specialist tell me she had no idea what to do with me and it has been pretty much the same afterwards. Sprung87, I will have your niece’s courage, Honeeecombs, I intend to treat myself to crab legs afterwards, incontinence be damned, billiveshere, my list is made thanks to you, Maymay941, I have your hand. All of you are so wonderful and maybe I can sleep tonight it my Christmas kidney stone doesn’t have a twin. Hugs to all!!!

You're very welcome. Looking over your profile; I'm surprised at how technologically literate you are given your age. I saw your post in the Christmas thread where you uploaded an image and then you replying in EJs thread about the Megamax; you seem to know your stuff when it comes to products and technology. I'm glad I don't have incontinence where it feels like an ocean - it's just small waves of humiliation and pain from the spasms.

Enjoy those Crab Legs! Praying for Good News. 🦀
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