Tomorrow is the day


Staff member
Well tomorrow is my SPC surgery day. I’m both excited and nervous. Excited to have the potential to finally be out of diapers and nervous for the surgery itself. And risk of infection. I ordered actual underwear! That was exciting hahah. Keep me in your thoughts. I go in at 5:30am and the surgery is at 7.
I hope it all goes very well for you!! Hopefully it goes even better than you expect!

Good luck! My thoughts are with you.
I was wondering when we'd hear from you.
As always be well and hope to hear this is as useful and successful as you can hope for
Yeah @justej, that's right! Tomorrow is the day! It will be a big step forward for you and there will be a lot to look forward to! As for infection do tell someone your concerns and try to find out what part you can play in preventing infection.
Best of luck to you and before you know it you'll be back here writing us to tell of your experience!
Best wishes! For some reason I thought your surgery was yesterday! I hope it goes great and you love your relief!
Good for you Justej, you deserve some relief after all you've been through!! My thoughts are with you and hope you have a safe, quick, and full recovery!!
Thanks everyone! I’ve been up all night cause I need to take my shower around 3am (in about 20 minutes) and leave out around 4:10. I have a friend over keeping me company and he will be helping me with my wheelchair. I didn’t want to sleep because I was afraid of missing my alarm and oversleeping. I’m a night owl and tend to have bouts of insomnia so I’m used to staying up.

Here’s to a successful surgery!
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