Today i choose to stop hiding my photo,,


Staff member
I choose to not hide my photo as i want to scream out that i am so tired of feeling shame of myself because i have a bladder i think that the world needs to know how awful and humilated ppl feel who have bladder issues ,and stop other ppl degrading bed wetters etc because they think its a joke,it needs to not be hidden no more ,it needs to come out from the closet so ppl can see its not a joke its an illness that nobody wants ,but has to live with and to have respect for us,by just putting my photo here its a great start for me ,to loving myself for who i am, enough with the SHAME ENOUGH.
I have never hidden my face. My name, yes as identity theft is real... But my face, I'm a real person as well.
True, it is very embarrassing for us who have problems but there are worst things in life. I am a brain tumor survivor and losing urine is the lest of my problems. Everything has to be put in prospective. Life goes on and let us just try an deal with it as best as we can. God bless us all and keep us safe.
I don’t hide my picture on here either. But still struggle with the stigma. We’re all doing the best we can to get by.
Don't mean to add to paranoia, but the darned facial recognition programs are what causes some of what i hate about certain sites (Like Facebook) as advertisers use it to track you and flood your eMailbox with spam, or ID theft hackers). Then there are the bullies, especially in the grades. So if you are in High School, be careful. Then there are employers who can be pretty irrational or ignorant or just won't hire or can even fire. See Lynn Curry's column in the Anchorage Alaska daily paper ( for examples. She deals with employee-employee and employer-employee relations. It may be a weekly column, not daily, and she has at least one book.
That said, thanks for your input!
AlasSouth said:
Don't mean to add to paranoia, but the darned facial recognition programs are what causes some of what i hate about certain sites (Like Facebook) as advertisers use it to track you and flood your eMailbox with spam, or ID theft hackers). Then there are the bullies, especially in the grades. So if you are in High School, be careful. Then there are employers who can be pretty irrational or ignorant or just won't hire or can even fire. See Lynn Curry's column in the Anchorage Alaska daily paper ( for examples. She deals with employee-employee and employer-employee relations. It may be a weekly column, not daily, and she has at least one book.
That said, thanks for your input!
YES I appreciate what u are saying but I still feel better in putting my pic up.
PBJ32 said:
I don’t hide my picture on here either. But still struggle with the stigma. We’re all doing the best we can to get by.
YES and it's that stigma that I'm done with you or I didn't ask for this ,
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