Staff member
Honeeecombs I hope you are feeling much better today and can realize how strong of a person you are and the courage it takes just to even post on this forum and open up and spill your emotions. It is a great place to do such as this is a safe place without judgements. I am sorry you feel so alone. That’s a crappy place to be. Please know that many of us here care about you and are here for you. Rise above the depression clouds as otherwise they will suck you in. If you can’t rise above by yourself reach out here or in your home town seek professional help and maybe even get on an an antidepressant. As I have been down in the dumps and it took me awhile to get out of it and I still am taking antidepressants 3.5 years later however like my psychiatrist said with MS like I have sometimes the brain chemistry gets changed for life due to damage caused by the lesions resulting in some patients needing antidepressants basically for life after some very bad relapses. Not great news but considering they didn’t think I could talk after viewing by mri I think I am doing very well all things considered. I have done lots of counseling and needed to accept myself through and through and address numerous traumas that have occurred in my life.
I can truly say it’s gets better however it’s not easy and takes a lot of effort to change oneself to accept things as they are and make the most out of them. I need to wear diapers and judge me for that. Lol. I don’t care as honestly I need them for the convenience and protection they provide and you know what there is nothing wrong with that. And anyone who thinks there is I truly feel sorry for them because obviously they are not well internally aka mentally and they are not even aware of what I am saying.
We all need to slow down to the speed of life and learn to enjoy the small things in life.
I hope you are feeling much better today. With love
I can truly say it’s gets better however it’s not easy and takes a lot of effort to change oneself to accept things as they are and make the most out of them. I need to wear diapers and judge me for that. Lol. I don’t care as honestly I need them for the convenience and protection they provide and you know what there is nothing wrong with that. And anyone who thinks there is I truly feel sorry for them because obviously they are not well internally aka mentally and they are not even aware of what I am saying.
We all need to slow down to the speed of life and learn to enjoy the small things in life.
I hope you are feeling much better today. With love