Anxiety triggers it


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I cant seem to bare my condition..ive been wearing poise pads for 2 1/2 years now.i stoped going to my appoinments after the specialist kept saying nothing was family keeps telling me its all in my head..ive been trying to go out to public places little by little but everytime i do it drags back down..people stare and make comments..i catch them rubbing there noses covering it at partner finally knows about my condition and she is okay with it.she says shes willing to live with it..but my contious is getting to me and i feel like she'll get tired eventually if i dont better myself..i cant even take her out to public places cuz i get so anxious..and that makes my body react horribly..i dont know what to do? do i improve my body system? The odor? How can i decide if putting a person through this is the right choice or better to break up with them instead of being a burden to their life..please help
I’m sorry that you are suffering. Sometimes when we are anxious about something we misread situations and things like that. Are you sure people are making comments about you? Or staring, how do you know you just don’t feel like they are? Also, I’m sure that you are a lovely person, at least your partner seems to think so. No one is person physically or mentally. This is one issue, it’s not the entirety of your being. You aren’t putting someone through some crazy horrible thing. It can be inconvenient and embarrassing sometimes, but it’s by no means a death sentence
Yeah well they make it obvious sometimes they make comments of a smell..i see alot of my family rubb there nose alot i know they dont want to make it obvious to hurt me or to be rude..but yeah i just get emberressed another reason why i dont go out with my partner and its not fair for her..she wants to do things and i start to just overthink how people are going to react when im around especially indoor i avoid the idea in general..would you keep your partner around if they accepted it but you the one taking it hard to accept that they are willing to support your condition?
I would! I have MS, so Incontinence is a minor symptom compared to everything else. But, I understand that being with me can be cumbersome in the medical department. But, I’m confident enough to know that I have lots of other qualities that make me great to be with. You do too.
Hello Gigi, i saw an ad on fb for a natural non allergic deoderant cream or or stick type on Facebook that is called Lume deoderant. It claims to kill southern region bacteria. cost about $18 for a tube of cream. I dont know if it works.
I also posted on my personal anxiety reliever a you tube chanbel search ASMR. I prefer Gentlewhispering and Southern ASMR but there are many offerings. it is free and thousands of people who are stressed swear t derply relaxes them or puts them to sleep. Some experience a lovely tingle triggered by whispering, tapping, paper and book handling, chewing sounds. The Gentlewhispering i recommend older offerings not tech ones but to each her own.
i have no affiliation or interest in either if these suggested odor or relaxation suggestions.
Hi Gigi,
A Poise pad provides very little protection. I believe that more absorbent protection would be helpful to you. Adult pull-ups are absorbent, and also designed to keep the odor contained. They work well for me.

You may benefit from a second opinion on your condition from a uro-gynecologist.

I hope you will be able to enjoy your life with your partner and your family, and go everywhere you want very soon.
If you find that the Poise pads are not keeping you dry enough, I recommend that you "graduate" to an undergarment (one brand that I have found in drugstores and supermarkets is called Depends). There are also washable, reusable undergarments available through catalogues. My secret to odor control is to be very conscientious about cleanliness. Don't wear clothing a second time if it has become damp. Change your undergarment/protection when it is a little bit wet. If your urine has an odor when it is fresh, you may have a urinary tract infection, or even diabetes. A thorough physical examination, blood chemistry (including Hemoglobin A1c)and urinalysis of a clean catch may detect some medical problem that needs to be treated. I agree with the recommendation that you see another urologist for a second opinion. It may also help to keep a food diary if your condition seems to be worse some times and better at others: some foods and beverages can irritate the bladder and/or cause more urine to be produced. I'm glad that your partner is supportive. The more helpful, accepting people you have in your life, the less the opinion of the rest of the world will matter.
@maymay thank you for the tips im going to look into the youtube channel i need any help for anxiety
@diana thank you so much i needed to hear new things i can ask or look into for my next appoinment..also for a new product
All very good replies, and wonderfully kind also. This is not easy, but I do agree you need to start wearing a pullup for sure, and maybe put a doubler in, my sister in law use that on me and it does help alot
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