To Go or Not To Go?


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Had a routine urology followup appointment today and the doctor asked if I was ready for the next step. Am I ready/willing for Botox or eStim? Ever since I started having continence issues I have been researching any and all solutions. I’m well informed on what all the research says and what risks are involved and what my thoughts and hopes and reservations are but I’m not sure which or if I want to go forward. I’d do almost anything to stop having accidents and curb the frequency and urgency but am admittedly extremely nervous about the potential complications. For now I’m continuing the Myrbetriq (50mg) and will take time to decide and revisit with him in a few months. I’m managing. But that’s all I’m doing because heavy protection is still required 24/7 even with the meds. So the question is do I opt for Botox or eStim or just stop the meds and live with diapers rest of my life. I know no one can answer that but me but please convince me. Give me your best argument for or against.
I tried Myrbetriq but it didn't help! Since mine are neurological, medicine does not help! I'll probably be in diapers the rest of my life.
Botox will always where off it is worth a try. it has helped me reduce my symptoms but not eliminate it helps some people emensly. I don't know anything about e-stim. All the best with your desision.
I tried estim twice and it didn’t work for me. Botox was a miracle... for a while. I had several years with great results and now it no longer works for me. It’s a very invasive procedure and at times is very painful. While it was working for me, it was well worth it. It was really awful when it stopped working for me. I was getting Botox every three months. In fact, I seem to have ongoing struggle to initiate urination, although it’s not problematic and it doesn’t stop me from peeing when I don’t want to. Lol. Isn’t it fun?
Years ago I decided to stop being a guinea pig and to not deal with anymore side effects of medicines or surgeries and found a way to manage my UI, it’s not an easy path either way!! So you have to ask yourself what is the best for you and your quality of life!! The products out there today are 100 times better than they used to be and I’m good with my decision(almost 15 years ago now) on how I manage my incontinence.

I assume there is no fleeting window of opportunity for you to 'take the next step', as the doctor mentioned. If there is no rush to decide on a new treatment, consider the positives of waiting longer to decide. By now, you know your situation and how to manage, products to use, how it impacts your life, etc.

I also assume there is no physical pain associated with the status quo. Or, no or little urinary retention and the need to cath. No of infrequent urinary tract infections (UTIs) experienced, etc.

I've read that BOTOX can take an incontinence condition and turn it into one of excess urinary retention and the need to cath at regular intervals. I'd not desire that outcome.

Surgery to 'fix' can offer an array of results, as you've discovered. I've opted out for the reasons others have given and just on my own personal history of management all these years.

Meds have been tried and results gave me no real relief of the condition but a few undesired side effects.

You know yourself best and the risks vs. benefits that can apply to you. No easy answers. Yet, you are well prepared with knowledge and research. That's a big plus going for you.

Good luck.
I sincerely thank you all for taking the time to respond. There is no deadline therefore no rush and no necessary requirement or issue forcing me to take any next steps. I will think long and hard and continue to evaluate options over next few months. By the time I see the urologist again I’m confident I know what I’ll do.
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