Well here we go

Hi @justej, It looks like Miss Emma is well-pleased that you're back and she's also pleased you didn't have any trouble while you weren't there so she can keep an eye on you!!
And your attitude is great!! It comes from within you but I also attribute it to being on this forum and learning that other people have challenges and that we are very open in discussing our feelings and ways to deal with it.
I think getting on this forum has helped me and I know it has helped you!
So where are you going on your next trip???? 😀😀
@billliveshere hahahah no more trips for me for awhile. The only reason I was able to go on these last two is it was my birthday celebrations and I didn’t have to pay. 🤣🤣🤣 and I think the attitude comes in time. We have to accept our issues or we will never be happy. And I’m not saying we have to like our issues or something but acceptance is key. I hate the fact that I have to carry 2 bags with me to go on a small trip. One full of diapers, wipes and plastic bags and the other backpack with enough clothes that If something goes wrong I’ll have a spare. But I look at it this way. I’m being given the opportunity to spend time with folks who really care about me. The extra baggage is worth it.
Your thread is really positive I'm glad I found it. I am new to the forum. I had a prostatectomy and I just got my catheter taken out today. I was surprised how much urine I am voiding and am learning about diapers and cleaning up. One of my biggest concerns is not being able to travel- but it sounds like you are not letting the incontinence stop you and I want to be like you. I plan on going to Mexico in December and won't let this incontinence thing stop me. Thank you for sharing your travel story! Robert
@Robert1204 I’m glad you found the forum too! It has been an immeasurable source of good things for me. Had you met me in 2015 after my accident it would have been a completely different story. It took me years to find a solution that works for me. I only traveled once on vacation up until the beginning of this month. I went with my family to Florida and was pretty much a recluse. They went to the beach and I stayed at a coffee shop. Now I go on trips with family and friends and go places in the city. 2 of my friends and I are going to plan a trip to the museum on Thursday. Before I would have said “thanks but no thanks” but this time it was me who suggested it! I didn’t have the surgery you did but I have had my leg amputated and have various other medical conditions. It’s been a long road but I can now say incontienence doesn’t rule me.
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