Overnight hospital stay.

Boy oh boy, AlasSouth, you got that right! The system is definitely not only broken but way out of whack! Eight hundred nurses have been killed by Covid19? That's obscene. It shouldn't have happened. And we're not out of the woods yet by any long shot! What a nightmare! And it's true, it isn't Obama's fault! If he were in charge he probably would have done something to stop it and we could've been a real model in stopping this horrendous event. But this isn't a political forum so I should stop there. But I'm just sayin'!
I've had it done and I promise it's way easier then when they implant it. I was in and out in less than a couple hours and had no issues after it was removed.
How long was yours in or did you only do the trial implant?
I’ve had it for about 2 years now I think. Maybe more towards 3. It didn’t help me really and I was just too preoccupied with my other health issues to get it removed. Did they keep you when they took it out? I was surprised they are gonna keep me but happy that they are taking precautions.
justej said:
I’ve had it for about 2 years now I think. Maybe more towards 3. It didn’t help me really and I was just too preoccupied with my other health issues to get it removed. Did they keep you when they took it out? I was surprised they are gonna keep me but happy that they are taking precautions.

No I was not kept, it literally took 3-4 hours and I was out but remember it was done at the VA hospital. lol
Just thought I’d check in and see if EJ had a chance to let us know how things went yesterday? I also want to apologize for any confusion with my spine/ heart related stuff. My implants were intended for pain relief in my neck & lumbar spine that cause incredible sciatica pain in both legs and similar in right arm. So in my case I understand the wires were intended to be much farther up the spine than the implant for bladder related issues. Of course in hindsight I was never anywhere near a good candidate for the Interstim, but I had great BC/BS at the time so it was nothing but a crash test dummy cash-grab by the greedy BStards! Their next GREAT idea was a Morphine Pump Implant! I did do my homework here only to find they had close to a 50% Mortality Rate! I know it’s about impossible to get something the insurance companies like banned, but this OFF-Label use was banned for anyone “NOT” in the final stages of life and completely immobile, just last year! They got around the failure rate 50% Death Rate just like a China & Russia did with Covid 19. Many deaths were simply listed as cardiac arrest or something similar, no notes about an open bag of pure morphine ruptured because you bent over too far to tie your shoe...
Lookin forward to hearing from ya EJ!
Hey all. I got out of the hospital today around noon. It went as well as could be expected. No complications and I’m pretty sore. Got the good drugs 😉

Oh and my implant was for pain not bladder. No device would help my incontinence.
Welcome back, ej!
Have they given you any idea on the future with the pain issue?
That post by Sprung87 is frightening; not that unexpected from our broken medical system, but frightening.
Remember, we don't want the communist taking over our medical system....
GREAT! To see your back home with no complications!!!! It must be a tremendous relief having this in the rear view mirror! really, really happy for you. There’s nothing like your own chair, couch, bed etc., but I’m pretty sure you know all about that... Excellent news!
Thanks everyone. :)

@AlasSouth - my pain is pretty much gone. Chopping off my leg pretty much solved that. Hahaha

May - thanks I’ll check it out. I currently haven’t had a bowel movement since Thursday morning. So it seems (so far) that it’s going the other way. I’m on some pretty heavy narcotics at the moment (dilaudid) and I had fentanyl after surgery. I shouldn’t have to be on these long though
Pain drug are often constipating, the hospitals sometimes know that. They've given me that ducolax, which never did anything for me. I told a nurse that, once, but it was that or nothing.
I went to check the spelling of that and found I'd pitched them. Why have them cluttering up the place? Who knows how old they were.
It isn't like bringing your own diapers. It's a drug. Who knows what interactions another drug might have. I finally found something they didn't object to. The hospital kitchen had prune juice.
Prune juice! The rumor is they make Dr. Pepper with it. He he he he.
Hopefully your issues were resolved. I know it's great to be on your home turf. Keep in touch and continue on your recovery.
I was given a stool softener twice and nothing. It’ll kick back in soon enough (I hope)

And in case anyone was wondering about changing in the hospital that went fine. The nurses did do it. I give them props for not misgendering me though. (If folks don’t know I’m female to male transgender). They dealt with it very well. And one nurse totally sucked at diapering. You can tell she was kinda new. Lol
Getting out of the hospital is always a great feeling now that it's all behind you. Hope you have an uneventful recovery and can get back in the swing of things soon!
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