Staff member
Hi everyone. After exams to every body part, I found out what may be contributing to my neurogenic bladder. The last test I had required by the surgeon was a Cervical MRI and the news was scary as hell. I am lucky that I am not paralyzed since I have severe damage to all my cervical vertebrae. They sent me immediately to a neurosurgeon from MUSC and he has me scheduled for a 4 hour repair with new discs and release of my spinal cord on Wednesday. They are amazed I haven’t really damaged my spine cord but I just assumed the pain in my neck, shoulders, and arms was from my rheumatoid arthritis. They scared the hell out of me and I have been afraid to move my neck at all. They also believe my complete urinary incontinence is related to this. I did not know that cervical spine damage could cause it. The rest of my back is crap too but they said I need to get the neck done immediately. I had a double dose Botox injection done 2 months ago with complete return of continence but when they place a Foley catheter for the surgery, Heaven only knows what will happen. I think of all of you often and would appreciate any extra prayers for this procedure. I am really fearful. Hugs to all and I will try to catch up with everyone and meet the new members soon.
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