Just out of big surgery


Staff member
Im 8 month post prostate removal and was down to less the a pad a day if any. My flow had thiner from earlier on. Last Wednesday i had my cervical 3 through 7 stabilized with plates and screws, a 4 hour operation, and then had a bleed formed as a dangerous hematoma that they had to go back in for 2 hours to remove it. They kept me out to the following thursday . I had a catheterization for 3 days. Now home 3 days and have good open full stream but am back on a pull up a day as a little odd move i leak some again. Had not done keigles yet, will start today I a stiff neck brace for the next 8 to 12 weeks for the fusion to heal.i hope can get back on track shortly. Was it the catheterization or the stress of the sugary that set me back. Very uncomfortable with this neck brace. Only can sleep in recliner, and at that maybe an hour or two a night.
Be kind to yourself @Gkudisch.
You have just come through major surgery. It will take time to recover and your body will heal at its own pace - which is always slower than you would like.
Be patient and things will improve.
I suspect the catheter is to blame for the increased leakage. Two steps forward, one step back... You'll probably see improvement in this department sooner than you think.
Hope to see improvement sooner. I was hoping to be compleaty padless by Christmas. Once healed, I still have a 2nd back surgery in the lower back, I joint area. This will be my 3rd back surgery. A lifetime of hard labor does the body in. The prostate jut got in the way. But I'm still cancer free <.1 psa last 3 tests
Hang in there! I know it can be incredibly frustrating, and I hope that you will not need any incontinence supplies by X-mas if that is your goal. I know adjusting to any new issue can be awful. I hope you continue to stay cancer free as well.
@Gkudisch Have your back surgeries helped you in the past? I could benefit from one but don’t dare.

I wish you a fast recovery. Sorry your brace is so bad. It’s important for you to sleep in order to heal, so perhaps you should ask your doctor(s) for Ambien.
Had several operation with catheter. Leaked big-time after last one, hospital 3 weeks, although they switched me to diapers by the 4 or 5 day. Seems like had similair experience to you. It gets better. Cathater seems to be a "cause". Can go away complely. Are you using pads? It sounds like you can. My leaks are a smalzl squirt, getting up of certain movements. I can use Kegel to help the "movement" leaks, since I can guess most of them.
I will be asking for sleep meds.my discectomy helped my lower back in 2015. My neck surgery was pretty involved. 3 disks were hearnatated and c3 through c7 had larger spurs need to get ground away. This cad caused pain in the left arm and shoulder blade. Plus neck pain the trying to turn my. My last surgery is to muscle function to the right back muscles the tire out minutes
Wow! Sounds grim, but if it fixes, glad you went for it.
For me, reecent experience after day surgery, longer time inhospitla 3 years ago, pain killers (opiates) do not seem to make my incinence sworse. But even that might be individual.
Recommend you keep track of diet, exercise, when & where. It seems to help some people.
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