Personal observation


Staff member
I have schedualed cervical disk fusion, 4 disks, on August 11th. This surgery was put off because my prostate cancer had to come first.
I need pain medication 2 to 3 times a day (oxycodine) and sometimes i have constipation. My observation is that when my bowels are full, i leak more. When i have good BM, i dont leak at all that day. Anyone else experience the same. Im hoping all leakage will end by the time i recover from my neck surgery. It will then be 10 months post my prostate removal and off pain medication.
Have you tried adding something like Metamucil to your daily regimen? I have found that has helped me tremendously.
I do use it and a rx drug as well. Both help. But so far I see there's a connection with bowel and bladder control
I'm not a doctor, but believe your observation is correct; when the colon is full, there's less room in the inn. Pressure from the colon causes leakage. A good Metamucil diet, as suggested, would probably eliminate that particular source of leakage. For the rest of us...I wish the solution was so easy. Best wishes.
I have had OAB and have been on high-doses of pain meds for other conditions for about 20 years. So I have done LOTS of experimenting with various laxatives. Like you said, I have to pee more often when I am backed-up.

I discovered the "hard way" (pun):eek: that psyllium fiber capsules and powder can do me real damage - even sending me to the ER a couple of times. After one event a doctor warned me to not take the psyllium or Metamucil, because they tend to cause blockages, and not very effective. (Of course, we are all different, so your experience could be different.)

For the past 5 years I have been using Miralax (generic: PEG 3350) mixed in any liquid, hot or cold. It is tasteless and completely dissolves. My schedule is to take the recommended cap-full for 2 mornings, then skip a morning, then take again for 2 more mornings.

When I was really impacted I could depend on "MOM" Milk of Magnesia; I like the flavorless type. It works quickly for me and gets me out of a "jam" (another pun intended).:(

My doctor has offered me a prescription for Movantik. It's a strong stimulant that can cause pain for some people, so I haven't tried it yet.

May God bless you and heal you, and may you trust your soul to Him and not depend on your own good works for salvation.
Fully agree with you observation Gkudisch,

It’s truly amazing how interconnected the human body is lol.


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