Yep, lets try that.


Staff member
So, the colon surgeon is going to have me try Sacral Neuromodulation. I am going to try the test out before we go with the full one. My doctor said that they consider 50% improvement enough to do the full implant. My response is that a 50% improvement in the pain is not enough. Well, the doctor warned me that this will likely not do anything for my pain.

I asked again, then why do this because my urologist ruled it out for the urinary side of things already.

The thought is that this could help my bowel accidents and maybe constipation so they can get me off the medications I am on.

I still feel that this is a nother hail mary pass but it is better than the big ostomy surgery.

I did ask the doctor the likelihood that I still end up with an ostomy he said that this is another bandage to try to get me off medication with the hope that it fixes some of my issues.

I figure it is worth trying before life-altering surgery.

Not holding my breath that it will work enough though.
I had one for pain. It didn’t do squat. Eventually after my amputation got it taken out. Now I have phantom pain which is a whole nother catagory of pain. Hope it works for you.
Hi @ThatFLGuy, I hope that works for you and does better than expected as far as dealing with pain is concerned.
The other big problem is that the hospital is not doing non essential surgery right now so I could have to wait until February or later to even do the trial one. That is going to be an issue for me with disability trying to get me on social security but I am going to reach out to my PCP about stuff not being on my chart like it should so I guess I have see how that goes.
@justej Do you also get phantom itch like I do? It can’t be satisfied and can’t be ignored, either. Sometimes I have it for an entire day. I hate it especially when it happens in public.
I ended up talking to someone from the company that makes the Sacral Neuromodulation device that my doctor is going to have me try. Luckily this person is also an RN so it was quicker to get her to understand just how bad things are. She said that the device might not fix all of my issues but it was worth trying.

So now I just have to wait for scheduling, But the call may help with that as well. My doctor is one of the best with the device so the RN sent an expedited request to the product rep so they will reach out to the hospital about setting up scheduling ASAP.

Hopefully I get a call after Christmas.
@ThatFLGuy I do think it’s worth trying. When you compare the side effects of an ostomy to an Interstim, the Interstim looks truly better. I agree with you that is probably not going to help at all with your bowel. Do they think it will help with your bladder, though?
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