Tired of the worry


Staff member
I have dealt with incontinence issues for the last 13 years and worn diapers fulltime for over 11 years. I am former Marine and current Law Enforcement Officer with 23 year in my Dept, I live an active lifestyle but constantly worried others would find out about my having to wear protection (Usually BetterDry or Northshore). I have stopped doing some thing I loved such as hunting trips with partners and such.
A few days ago I realized I am done with the stress and worry of others finding out. I shared an ad for Northshore Megamax on my Facebook page, maybe not the best way to open up about it but it is what I choose to use as a vessel. I have had nothing but positive feedback and support from friends, family and coworkers.

It is true we are our own harshest judge and others don't make a big of a deal out of it as we do.

Stay safe and dry,

When i read the nbc news report titled Isolated and Alone it said 50 percent of men and women because incontinent in later years (65 plus). So I realize if folk aren't incontinent now they are being woke to it by an advertisers or news report in today's news and most critics and bullies do stand down and mumble or difuse when directly confronted dont`they? As a law enforcement person im pretty sure you can confirm this!
Im just a "look you in the eye kind of bully coper."

That said, people you do want as friends won't let a health issue get on the way of friendship.
Good for you.It was harder for me to accept that I had to wear protection than the the people who know I wear it.I found out that once I didn't give a shit if others knew or what they thought and just accept it I was happier.
I have never cared who knew anything about all of my health problems
I even shared my struggles when I taught as an adjunct professor. My students needed to understand that you could not let problems stop you. You needed to find a way through. Im happy you finally realized that most people react well to your problems and are willing to listen and be helpful.
Yes, most people are Compassionate and understanding and realize that this could happen to anyone them or their family members, reaffirming my faith in mankind. All the best to everyone take care stay safe ☮️
Hey Marine John, check out my reply to the guy who had a box of diapers delivered to the house next door. Good for you! US Army Engineer Corps
I used to worry about it at first but now frankly I just don't care who knows I wear nappies all the time. To be honest those who know don't see it as a problem so I no longer try and hide it.
I don't know that I have ever thought about it in exactly this way, but there is a very interesting irony that I think all of these posts are pointing to. To wit:

When a theoretical physicist with ALS finds the will to live and embraces the technology to allow him to continue a stellar career, he is celebrated across the globe;

When a double-amputee track athlete wins an Olympic medal, the world looks on in awe;

When a blind man learns to play piano and sing, he becomes one of popular music's most enduring and beloved figures.

But when those of us with no/compromised bladder or bowel control find the right products to contain the situation, and also find the courage to wear them, we still live in the "incontinence closet", in fear that someone will "find out" that we have a medical problem. It is only we who can solve this inequity, not others. As so many here have said, few people in our lives would reject us because of this problem. The sooner we accept that for truth, the sooner we will be free of this long-held and deeply-damaging secret.
Love your response, hope you don't mind if I use in in a Facebook post I am going to be posting hopefully in the next month.

btmsupnmd said:
I don't know that I have ever thought about it in exactly this way, but there is a very interesting irony that I think all of these posts are pointing to. To wit:

When a theoretical physicist with ALS finds the will to live and embraces the technology to allow him to continue a stellar career, he is celebrated across the globe;

When a double-amputee track athlete wins an Olympic medal, the world looks on in awe;

When a blind man learns to play piano and sing, he becomes one of popular music's most enduring and beloved figures.

But when those of us with no/compromised bladder or bowel control find the right products to contain the situation, and also find the courage to wear them, we still live in the "incontinence closet", in fear that someone will "find out" that we have a medical problem. It is only we who can solve this inequity, not others. As so many here have said, few people in our lives would reject us because of this problem. The sooner we accept that for truth, the sooner we will be free of this long-held and deeply-damaging secret.
@marinejohn - feel free to use the post to your best advantage. If you wouldn't mind sharing your FB page with me (in private message, of course), I would like to see it and possibly send you a friend request (if that's ok).
@MarineJohn thank you for your service and thank you for sharing!

I live with my brother and sister in law. I wish I wasn’t so shameful. But my brother and other family members have a harsh sense of humor when it comes to me wearing diapers. Ever since I was assaulted I’ve had a hard time staying dry at night. It’s so hard to keep it discreet
btmsupnmd said:
@marinejohn - feel free to use the post to your best advantage. If you wouldn't mind sharing your FB page with me (in private message, of course), I would like to see it and possibly send you a friend request (if that's ok).
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